

单词 x-ray

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
x-ray or X-ray /ˈɛksˌreɪ/USA pronunciation   n., v., x-rayed or X-rayed, x-ray•ing or X-ray•ing, adj. 
n. [countable] Also, x ray, X ray. 
    1. PhysicsOften, x-rays. [plural] radiation having wavelengths in the range between ultraviolet radiation and gamma rays, which can penetrate solids.
    2. Physicsa picture, a kind of photograph, made by means of x-rays.

    v. [+ object]
    1. to photograph, examine, or treat with x-rays:The technician x-rayed my knee.

    adj. [before a noun]
    1. Physicsof or relating to x-rays:an X-ray machine.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
x-ray  (eksrā′),USA pronunciation n. Also, x ray, X ray. 
  1. [Physics.]
    • PhysicsOften, x-rays. a form of electromagnetic radiation, similar to light but of shorter wavelength and capable of penetrating solids and of ionizing gases.
    • Physicssuch radiation having wavelengths in the range of approximately 0.1–10 nm.
  2. Physicsa radiograph made by x-rays.
  3. Telecommunications(cap.) a word in communications to represent the letter X.

  1. to examine, photograph, or treat with x-rays.

  1. Physicsof or pertaining to x-rays.
Also, X-ray′. 
  • translation of German X-Strahl (1895), the name origin, originally given to the rays by Röntgen, their discoverer, x signifying their unknown nature 1895–1900

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
X-ray, x-ray n
  1. electromagnetic radiation emitted when matter is bombarded with fast electrons. X-rays have wavelengths shorter than that of ultraviolet radiation, that is less than about 1 × 10–8 metres. They extend to indefinitely short wavelengths, but below about 1 × 10–11 metres they are often called gamma radiation
  2. (as modifier): X-ray astronomy
  3. a picture produced by exposing photographic film to X-rays: used in medicine as a diagnostic aid as parts of the body, such as bones, absorb X-rays and so appear as opaque areas on the picture
  4. (usually capital) a code word for the letter x
vb (transitive)
  1. to photograph (part of the body, etc) using X-rays
  2. to treat or examine by means of X-rays
Etymology: 19th Century: partial translation of German X-Strahlen (from Strahl ray), coined by W. K. Roentgen in 1895




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