

单词 wits

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
wits /wɪts/ pl n
  1. (sometimes singular) the ability to reason and act, esp quickly (esp in the phrase have one's wits about one)
  2. (sometimes singular) right mind, sanity (esp in the phrase out of one's wits)
  3. at one's wits' endat a loss to know how to proceed
  4. five witsobsolete the five senses or mental faculties
  5. live by one's witsto gain a livelihood by craftiness and cunning rather than by hard work
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
wit1 /wɪt/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. [uncountable] keen intelligence;
  2. quickness;
    cleverness:[uncountable]He lacked the wit to respond in time.
  3. [countable] a person having or noted for being amusingly clever.
  4. Usually, wits. [plural]
    • the ability to think quickly and clearly;
      ingenuity:In a crisis he's able to keep his wits about him.
    • mental faculties;
      senses:scared out of her wits.
  1. Idioms at one's wit's or wits' end, drained or empty of all ideas or mental resources.

wit2 /wɪt/USA pronunciation   v., wist /wɪst/USA pronunciation  wit•ting. Idioms
  1. Idioms to wit, [no object] that is to say;
    namely:spoke several languages, to wit, English, French, Spanish, German, and Japanese.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
wit1  (wit),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the keen perception and cleverly apt expression of those connections between ideas that awaken amusement and pleasure.
  2. speech or writing showing such perception and expression.
  3. a person having or noted for such perception and expression.
  4. understanding, intelligence, or sagacity;
  5. Usually, wits. 
    • powers of intelligent observation, keen perception, ingenious contrivance, or the like;
      mental acuity, composure, and resourcefulness:using one's wits to get ahead.
    • mental faculties;
      senses:to lose one's wits.
  6. at one's wit's end. See end 1 (def. 23).
  7. keep or have one's wits about one, to remain alert and observant;
    be prepared for or equal to anything:to keep your wits about you in a crisis.
  8. live by one's wits, to provide for oneself by employing ingenuity or cunning;
    live precariously:We traveled around the world, living by our wits.
  • bef. 900; Middle English, Old English: mind, thought; cognate with German Witz, Old Norse vit; akin to wit2
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged drollery, facetiousness, waggishness, repartee. See humor. 
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged wisdom, sense, mind.

wit2  (wit),USA pronunciation v.t., v.i., [pres. sing. 1st pers.] wot, 2nd wost, 3rd wot, pres. pl. wit or wite;
 past and past part. wist;
 pres. part. wit•ting. 
  1. [Archaic.]to know.
  2. to wit, that is to say;
    namely:It was the time of the vernal equinox, to wit, the beginning of spring.
  • bef. 900; Middle English witen, Old English witan; cognate with Dutch weten, German wissen, Old Norse vita, Gothic witan to know; akin to Latin vidēre, Greek ideîn to see, Sanskrit vidati (he) knows. See wot

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
Wits /wɪts/ n
  1. South African informal University of the Witwatersrand




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