

单词 washboard

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
wash•board  (woshbôrd′, -bōrd′, wôsh-),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a rectangular board or frame, typically with a corrugated metallic surface, on which clothes are rubbed in the process of washing.
  2. a baseboard around the walls of a room.
  3. Also called splashboard. [Naut.]
    • Nauticala thin, broad plank fastened to and projecting above the gunwale or side of a boat to keep out the spray and sea.
    • Nauticala similar board on the sill of a port.

  1. resembling a washboard in being rough and bumpy:a washboard roadbed.
  • wash + board 1735–45
washboard′y, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
washboard /ˈwɒʃˌbɔːd/ n
  1. a board having a surface, usually of corrugated metal, on which esp formerly, clothes were scrubbed
  2. such a board used as a rhythm instrument played with the fingers in skiffle, Country and Western music, etc
  3. a vertical planklike shield fastened to the gunwales of a boat to prevent water from splashing over the side




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