

单词 wad

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
wad1 /wɑd/USA pronunciation   n., v., wad•ded, wad•ding. 
n. [countable]
  1. a small mass, as of cotton, used esp. for padding and packing, filling a hole, etc.
  2. a roll of bank notes.
  3. Informal Termsa fairly large amount of something, as money:made a wad in the stock market.
  4. a small mass of substance for chewing:a wad of chewing tobacco; a wad of gum.

v. [+ object]
  1. Slang Termsto form into a wad, as by rolling tightly: [~ (+ up) + object]He wadded (up) the paper.[+ object (+ up)]He wadded the paper (up).

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
wad1  (wod),USA pronunciation n., v., wad•ded, wad•ding. 
    1. a small mass, lump, or ball of anything:a wad of paper; a wad of tobacco.
    2. a small mass of cotton, wool, or other fibrous or soft material, used for stuffing, padding, packing, etc.
    3. a roll of something, esp. of bank notes.
    4. Informal Termsa comparatively large stock or quantity of something, esp. money:He's got a healthy wad salted away.
    5. a plug of cloth, tow, paper, or the like, used to hold the powder or shot, or both, in place in a gun or cartridge.
    6. British Termsa bundle, esp. a small one, of hay, straw, etc.
    7. Informal Terms shoot one's wad:
      • to spend all one's money:He shot his wad on a new car.
      • to expend all one's energies or resources at one time:She shot her wad writing her first novel and her second wasn't as good.
      • Slang (vulgar). (of a man) to have an orgasm.

    1. Slang Termsto form (material) into a wad.
    2. to roll tightly (often fol. by up):He wadded up his cap and stuck it into his pocket.
    3. to hold in place by a wad:They rammed and wadded the shot into their muskets.
    4. to put a wad into;
      stuff with a wad.
    5. to fill out with or as if with wadding;
      pad:to wad a quilt; to wad a speech with useless information.

    1. to become formed into a wad:The damp tissues had wadded in his pocket.
    • Arab bāṭa'in lining of a garment, batting; compare French ouate, Dutch watte, Swedish vadd
    • Medieval Latin wadda
    • 1530–40
    wadder, n. 

wad2  (wod),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Mineralogya soft, earthy, black to dark-brown mass of manganese oxide minerals.
  • origin, originally uncertain 1605–15

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
wad /wɒd/ n
  1. a small mass or ball of fibrous or soft material, such as cotton wool, used esp for packing or stuffing
  2. a plug of paper, cloth, leather, etc, pressed against a charge to hold it in place in a muzzle-loading cannon
  3. a disc of paper, felt, pasteboard, etc, used to hold in place the powder and shot in a shotgun cartridge
  4. a roll or bundle of something, esp of banknotes
vb (wads, wadding, wadded)
  1. to form (something) into a wad
  2. (transitive) to roll into a wad or bundle
  3. (transitive) to hold (a charge) in place with a wad
  4. to insert a wad into (a gun)
  5. (transitive) to pack or stuff with wadding; pad
Etymology: 14th Century: from Late Latin wadda; related to German Watte cotton wool




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