

单词 undoing

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
un•do•ing /ʌnˈduɪŋ/USA pronunciation   n. [countable* usually singular]
  1. the reversing of what has been done.
  2. the action of ruining or destroying:Drinking led to his undoing.
  3. a cause of destruction or ruin:Drinking was his undoing.
  4. the act of unfastening or loosing.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
un•do•ing  (un do̅o̅ing),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the reversing of what has been done;
  2. a bringing to destruction, ruin, or disaster.
  3. a cause of destruction or ruin.
  4. the act of unfastening or loosing.
  5. Psychiatryan unconscious defense mechanism through which an attempt is made to reverse a psychologically unacceptable act by doing its opposite, usually repetitiously, in order to relieve anxiety.
  • 1300–50; Middle English; see undo, -ing1
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged . reversal, negation, thwarting.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
undoing /ʌnˈduːɪŋ/ n
  1. ruin; downfall
  2. the cause of downfall: drink was his undoing
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
un•do /ʌnˈdu/USA pronunciation   v. [+ object], -did, -done, -do•ing. 
  1. to reverse the doing of;
    repair or erase:to undo the damage.
  2. to untie;
    unfasten:She undid her straps.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
un•do  (un do̅o̅),USA pronunciation v.t., -did, -done, -do•ing. 
  1. to reverse the doing of;
    cause to be as if never done:Murder once done can never be undone.
  2. to do away with;
    efface:to undo the havoc done by the storm.
  3. to bring to ruin or disaster;
    destroy:In the end his lies undid him.
  4. to unfasten by releasing:to undo a gate; to undo a button.
  5. to untie or loose (a knot, rope, etc.).
  6. to open (a package, wrapping, etc.).
  7. [Archaic.]to explain;
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English undōn; cognate with Dutch ontdoen. See un-2, do1
un•doa•ble, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
undo /ʌnˈduː/ vb ( -does, -doing, -did, -done)(mainly tr)
  1. (also intr) to untie, unwrap, or open or become untied, unwrapped, etc
  2. to reverse the effects of
  3. to cause the downfall of




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