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Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: tripoli /ˈtrɪpəlɪ/ n - a lightweight porous siliceous rock derived by weathering and used in a powdered form as a polish, filter, etc
Etymology: 17th Century: named after Tripoli, in Libya or in Lebanon WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024Trip•o•li (trip′ə lē),USA pronunciation n. Also, Trip•o•li•ta•ni•a (trip′ə li tā′nē ə, -tān′yə; It. trē′pô lē tä′nyä).USA pronunciation one of the former Barbary States of N Africa: later a province of Turkey; now a part of Libya.- Place Namesa seaport in and the capital of Libya, in the NW part. 551,477.
- Place Namesa seaport in N Lebanon, on the Mediterranean. 175,000.
- (l.c.) any of several siliceous substances, as rottenstone and infusorial earth, used chiefly in polishing.
Tri•pol•i•tan (tri pol′i tn),USA pronunciation n., adj. Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: Tripoli /ˈtrɪpəlɪ/ n - the capital and chief port of Libya, in the northwest on the Mediterranean: founded by Phoenicians in about the 7th century bc; the only city that has survived of the three (Oea, Leptis Magna, and Sabratha) that formed the African Tripolis ("three cities"); fishing and manufacturing centre. Pop: 1 223 300 (2002 est)
Ancient name: Oea /ˈiːə/ Arabic name: Tarabulus el Gharb - a port in N Lebanon, on the Mediterranean: the second largest town in Lebanon; taken by the Crusaders in 1109 after a siege of five years; oil-refining and manufacturing centre. Pop: 212 000 (2005 est)
Ancient name: Tripolis Arabic name: Tarabulus esh Sham