

单词 triply

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
trip•ly  (triplē),USA pronunciation adv. 
  1. to a triple number, measure, or degree.
  2. in a triple manner;
  • triple + -ly 1650–60

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
tri•ple /ˈtrɪpəl/USA pronunciation   adj., n., v., -pled, -pling. 
adj. [before a noun]
  1. threefold;
    consisting of three parts;
    of three kinds.
  2. three times as great:triple profits.

n. [countable]
  1. an amount, number, etc., three times as great as another.
  2. a group, set, or series of three;
  3. SportAlso called three-base hit. a hit in baseball that enables the batter to reach third base safely.

  1. to (cause to) become triple: [+ object]Our company tripled its profits.[no object]Profits tripled last year.
trip•ly, adv. See -plic-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
tri•ple  (tripəl),USA pronunciation adj., n., v., -pled, -pling. 
  1. threefold;
    consisting of three parts:a triple knot.
  2. of three kinds;
    threefold in character or relationship.
  3. three times as great.
  4. Law[Internat. Law.]tripartite.

  1. an amount, number, etc., three times as great as another.
  2. a group, set, or series of three;
    something threefold;
  3. SportAlso called three-base hit. [Baseball.]a base hit that enables a batter to reach third base safely.
  4. Sport[Bowling.]three strikes in succession.
  5. trifecta.

  1. to make triple.
  2. Sport[Baseball.]to cause to come into home plate by a triple:to triple a runner home; to triple a run in.

  1. to become triple.
  2. Sport[Baseball.]to make a triple.
  • Latin triplus (adjective, adjectival), equivalent. to tri- tri- + (du)plus duple
  • Middle English (noun, nominal and verb, verbal) 1325–75





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