

单词 traveler

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
trav•el•er  (travə lər, travlər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a person or thing that travels.
  2. a person who travels or has traveled in distant places or foreign lands.
  3. See traveling salesman.
  4. part of a mechanism constructed to move in a fixed course.
  5. [Textiles.](in ring spinning) a small metal device that moves rapidly around the ring and guides the yarn onto the revolving bobbin.
  6. [Naut.]
    • a metal ring or thimble fitted to move freely on a rope, spar, or rod.
    • Also called horse. the rope, spar, or rod itself.
  7. Also, traveler cur′tain.[Theat.]a transverse curtain opened by being drawn from both sides of the proscenium.
  8. ([often cap.]) [Chiefly Brit.]a member of any of a number of traditionally itinerant peoples of the British Isles and other English-speaking areas, including, in addition to people of Gypsy origin, autochthonous groups such as the speakers of Shelta.
Also,[esp. Brit.,] traveller.
  • Middle English travaillour. See travel, -er1 1325–75

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
trav•el /ˈtrævəl/USA pronunciation   v., -eled, -el•ing or (esp. Brit.) -elled, -el•ling, n., adj. 
  1. to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship: [no object]They traveled all night.[+ object]They traveled the world and the seven seas.
  2. to proceed (at a certain speed or distance): [no object]The car was traveling at sixty miles an hour.[+ object]We traveled nearly six hundred miles.
  3. to pass or be transmitted, as light or information:[no object]The news traveled quickly.

  1. the act of traveling, esp. to distant places:[uncountable]She enjoys painting, art, and travel.
  2. travels, [plural] journeys;
    wanderings:In all my travels I never saw anything as beautiful as this sunset.

  1. for use while traveling:a travel alarm clock.
trav•el•er, trav•el•ler, n. [countable]
    Compare trip and travel. For a particular amount of traveling, the noun trip is usually used:I hope you had a pleasant trip.The trip took ten hours.The word travel is more often used as a noncount noun to refer to the general idea of traveling:She's interested in travel and tourism.When travels is used, it refers to a journey or trip that has many stops or involves many places:In all my travels I've never met so many helpful people.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
trav•el  (travəl),USA pronunciation v., -eled, -el•ing or (esp. Brit.) -elled, -el•ling, n., adj. 
  1. to go from one place to another, as by car, train, plane, or ship;
    take a trip;
    journey:to travel for pleasure.
  2. to move or go from one place or point to another.
  3. to proceed or advance in any way.
  4. to go from place to place as a representative of a business firm.
  5. to associate or consort:He travels in a wealthy crowd.
  6. [Informal.]to move with speed.
  7. to pass, or be transmitted, as light or sound.
  8. [Basketball.]walk (def. 9).
  9. to move in a fixed course, as a piece of mechanism.

  1. to travel, journey, or pass through or over, as a country or road.
  2. to journey or traverse (a specified distance):We traveled a hundred miles.
  3. to cause to journey;
    ship:to travel logs downriver.

  1. the act of traveling;
    journeying, esp. to distant places:to travel to other planets.
  2. travels:
    • journeys;
      wanderings:to set out on one's travels.
    • journeys as the subject of a written account or literary work:a book of travels.
    • such an account or work.
  3. the coming and going of persons or conveyances along a way of passage;
    traffic:an increase in travel on state roads.
  4. [Mach.]
    • the complete movement of a moving part, esp. a reciprocating part, in one direction, or the distance traversed;
    • length of stroke.
  5. movement or passage in general:to reduce the travel of food from kitchen to table.

  1. used or designed for use while traveling:a travel alarm clock.
  • Middle English (north and Scots), origin, originally the same word as travail (by shift "to toil, labor'' "to make a laborious journey'') 1325–75
trav el•a•ble, adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
trav•el•ler  (travə lər, travlər),USA pronunciation n. [Chiefly Brit.]
  1. traveler.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
traveller, US traveler /ˈtrævələ; ˈtrævlə/ n
  1. a person who travels, esp habitually
  2. See travelling salesman
  3. a part of a mechanism that moves in a fixed course
  4. Austral a swagman




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