

单词 bi-

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
bi-, (sometimes before a vowel)bin- combining form
  1. two; having two: bifocal
  2. occurring every two; lasting for two: biennial
  3. on both sides, surfaces, directions, etc: bilateral
  4. occurring twice during: biweekly
  5. denoting an organic compound containing two identical cyclic hydrocarbon systems: biphenyl
  6. (rare in technical usage) indicating an acid salt of a dibasic acid: sodium bicarbonate
  7. (not in technical usage) equivalent of di-1
Etymology: from Latin, from bis twice
bi- combining form
  1. a variant of bio-
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
bi /baɪ/USA pronunciation   adj., n. [countable], pl.
  1. Slang Termsbis, bi's. Slang. bisexual.

bi-,1  prefix. 
  1. bi- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "twice, two.'' This meaning is found in such words as: bicentennial, biennial, bigamy, bilateral, binoculars, bipartisan, biped, bisect, biweekly.
    In some words, esp. words referring to time periods, the prefix bi- has two meanings: "twice a + ~'' and "every two + ~-s''. Thus, biannual means both "twice a year'' and "every two years.'' Be careful; check many of these words.

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
bi•o /ˈbaɪoʊ/USA pronunciation   n., pl. bi•os. 
  1. Informal Terms biography:[countable][a bio on the first president of the countablery.]
  2. Informal Terms biology:[uncountable][I had a rough course in bio last term.]

bio-, prefix. 
  1. bio- comes from Greek, where it has the meaning "life.'' This meaning is found in such words as: biodegradable, biology, biosphere.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
bi  (bī),USA pronunciation adj., n., pl. bis, bi's. 
  1. Slang Termsbisexual.
  • by shortening

BI ,pl. BI's. 
  1. built-in.

Bi ,[Symbol, Chem.]
  1. Chemistrybismuth.

bi-1 ,
  1. a combining form meaning "twice,'' "two,'' used in the formation of compound words:bifacial; bifarious.Cf. bin-. 
  • Latin, combining form of bis; see twice
    All words except biennial referring to periods of time and prefixed by bi-1 are potentially ambiguous. Since bi- can be taken to mean either "twice each'' or "every two,'' a word like biweekly can be understood as "twice each week'' or "every two weeks.'' To avoid confusion, it is better to use the prefix semi- to mean "twice each'' (semiannual; semimonthly; semiweekly) or the phrase twice a or twice each (twice a month; twice a week; twice each year), and for the other sense to use the phrase every two (every two months; every two weeks; every two years).

bi-2 ,
  1. var. of bio-, esp. before a vowel:biopsy.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
bi•o  (bīō),USA pronunciation n., pl. bi•os, adj. [Informal.]
  1. Informal Termsbiography.
  2. Informal Termsbiology.

  1. Informal Termsbiographical.
  2. Informal Termsbiological:a bio control service using praying mantises to reduce the population of garden pests.
  • 1945–50; by shortening; as adjective, adjectival, independent use of bio-, taken as a free form

  1. a combining form meaning "life'' occurring in loanwords from Greek (biography);
    on this model, used in the formation of compound words (bioluminescence).
Also,[esp. before a vowel,] bi-. 
  • akin to Latin vīvus living, Sanskrit jīvas. See quick combining form of Greek bíos life





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