

单词 there

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
there /ðɛr; unstressed ðɚ/USA pronunciation   adv. 
  1. in or at that place (opposed to here):She is there now. We lived there (= in some place just mentioned or otherwise understood) for about a year.
  2. at that point in an action, speech, etc.:He stopped there for applause.
  3. in that particular matter or instance:Your anger was justified there.
  4. into or to that place;
    thither:We went there last year.
  5. (used, with some stress, to call attention to something or someone):There they go. There's the man I saw.

  1. (used in place of a subject, and followed by the verb be and some other verbs to indicate that something exists):There are still some funds available for research. There are two big windows in this classroom. There appears to be something wrong.
  2. (used in place of a name to address or greet a person):Hello, there.

n. [uncountable]
  1. that place or point:I come from there, too.

  1. (used for emphasis, esp. after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective):Ask that man there.

  1. (used to express satisfaction, relief, etc.):There! It's done (= I'm glad it's done). There, there, don't cry (= I'm sorry you feel bad). There you go (= Well done!).Usage. When there is used as the subject (as in definition 6), the person or thing that exists is usually not definite and comes after the verb, while the verb (such as be) agrees with that person or thing. In such sentences, the word there carries very little stress and more attention is paid to what comes after it.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
there  (ᵺâr; unstressed ᵺər),USA pronunciation adv. 
  1. in or at that place (opposed to here):She is there now.
  2. at that point in an action, speech, etc.:He stopped there for applause.
  3. in that matter, particular, or respect:His anger was justified there.
  4. into or to that place;
    thither:We went there last year.
  5. (used by way of calling attention to something or someone):There they go.
  6. in or at that place where you are:Well, hi there.

  1. (used to introduce a sentence or clause in which the verb comes before its subject or has no complement):There is no hope.
  2. that place:He comes from there, too.
  3. that point.

  1. that state or condition:I'll introduce you to her, but you're on your own from there on.

  1. (used for emphasis, esp. after a noun modified by a demonstrative adjective):Ask that man there.

  1. (used to express satisfaction, relief, encouragement, approval, consolation, etc.):There! It's done.
  • bef. 900; Middle English (adverb, adverbial), Old English thǣr thēr, cognate with Dutch daar, Old High German dār; akin to Gothic, Old Norse thar; compare that
    7. The verb following there is singular or plural according to the number of the subject that follows the verb:There is a message for you.There are patients in the waiting room.With compound subjects in which all the coordinate words are singular, a singular verb often occurs, although the plural may also be used:There was (or were) a horse and a cow in the pasture. When a compound subject contains both singular and plural words, the verb usually agrees with the subject closest to the verb, although a plural verb sometimes occurs regardless, especially if the compound has more than two elements:There were staff meetings and a press conference daily.There was (or were) a glass, two plates, two cups, and a teapot on the shelf. 11. It is nonstandard usage to place there between a demonstrative adjective and the noun it modifies:that there car.The same is true of here:these here nails.Placed after the noun, both there and here are entirely standard:that car there; these nails here.

  1. a combining form meaning "wild animal, beast,'' used in the formation of compound words, usually denoting extinct mammals, as adaptions of zoological taxa ending in -therium or -theria: baluchithere.
  • Greek thēríon, derivative of thé̄r beast of prey; akin to feral1, fierce
  • Neo-Latin -therium (singular), -theria (plural)

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
there /ðɛə/ adv
  1. in, at, or to that place, point, case, or respect: we never go there, I'm afraid I disagree with you there
  1. used as a grammatical subject with some verbs, esp be, when the true subject is an indefinite or mass noun phrase following the verb as complement: there is a girl in that office, there doesn't seem to be any water left
  1. (postpositive) who or which is in that place or position: that boy there did it
  2. all there ⇒ (predicative) having his or her wits about him or her; of normal intelligence
  3. so therean exclamation that usually follows a declaration of refusal or defiance
  4. there you arean expression used when handing a person something requested or desired
  5. an exclamation of triumph: there you are, I knew that would happen!
  1. that place: near there, from there
  1. an expression of sympathy, as in consoling a child
Etymology: Old English thǣr; related to Old Frisian thēr, Old Saxon, Old High German thār, Old Norse, Gothic thar
In correct usage, the verb should agree with the number of the subject in such constructions as there is a man waiting and there are several people waiting. However, where the subject is compound, it is common in speech to use the singular as in there's a police car and an ambulance outside





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