

单词 tell off

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
tell off vb (tr, adverb)
  1. informal to reprimand; scold
  2. to count and dismiss
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
tell1 /tɛl/USA pronunciation   v., told/toʊld/USA pronunciation  tell•ing. 
  1. to narrate (a story, etc.) to (someone): [+ object]He told a story to the children.[+ object + object]He told the children a story.[no object]The story tells of the legend of King Arthur.
  2. to make known (a fact, news, etc.) to (someone);
    communicate: [+ object + object]He told us the news of her death.[+ object + about/of + object]He told us about her death.[+ object + (that) clause]He told us that she had died.
  3. to inform (a person) of something:[+ object + object]He told me his name.
  4. to utter (the truth, etc.);
    speak: [+ object (+ to + object)]He wasn't telling the truth to his wife.[+ object + object]He wasn't telling his wife the truth.
  5. to express (thoughts, feelings, etc.) in words:[+ object]to tell one's love.
  6. to reveal to others by speaking to them about (something private): [+ object + object]I just told her a secret.[+ object (+ to + object)]I told a secret (to my wife).[no object]Will you hate me if I tell?
  7. to say or assert positively: [~ (+ object) + clause][not: be + ~-ing]I can't tell (you) when inflation will come down.[no object]When will inflation come down? I can't tell yet.
  8. to be able to see clearly;
    know: [+ object][not: be + ~-ing]to tell twins apart.[+ clause]to tell if it is night or day.[no object]]:Don't ask me how I know; I can just tell.
  9. to order or command: [+ object + to + verb]Tell her to stop.[+ object + (that) clause]I told her (that) she should pull the car over and stop.
  10. to give evidence of (something) to (someone);
    indicate:[usually not: be + ~ -ing;+ object + clause]The light on the dashboard tells you if you're driving too fast.
  11. to produce a strong effect:[no object* (~ + on + object)]The strain of his job began to tell on him.
  12. Informal Terms tell off, to scold severely: [+ object + off]It was about time somebody told him off.[+ off + object]He told off the whole class because no one was handing in assignments.
  13. tell on, [+ on + object] to tattle on:Don't tell on your sister.
  1. all told, when all have been counted:All told, seventeen planes were shot down.
  2. Idioms tell it like it is, [no object][Informal.]to be blunt and tell the whole truth:Let me tell it like it is: Things are tough and they're going to get tougher.
  3. time will tell, [no object] in time, the facts will be clearly known:She may have the makings of an excellent teacher; time will tell.

    See say.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
tell1 (tel),USA pronunciation  v., told, tell•ing. 

    1. to give an account or narrative of;
      relate (a story, tale, etc.):to tell the story of Lincoln's childhood.
    2. to make known by speech or writing (a fact, news, information, etc.);
    3. to announce or proclaim.
    4. to utter (the truth, a lie, etc.).
    5. to express in words (thoughts, feelings, etc.).
    6. to reveal or divulge (something secret or private).
    7. to say plainly or positively:I cannot tell just what was done.
    8. to discern or recognize (a distant person or thing) so as to be able to identify or describe:Can you tell who that is over there?
    9. to distinguish;
      ascertain:You could hardly tell the difference between them.
    10. to inform (a person) of something:He told me his name.
    11. to assure emphatically:I won't, I tell you!
    12. to bid, order, or command:Tell him to stop.
    13. to mention one after another, as in enumerating;
      count or set one by one or in exact amount:to tell the cattle in a herd; All told there were 17 if we are correct.

    1. to give an account or report:Tell me about your trip.
    2. to give evidence or be an indication:The ruined temples told of an ancient culture, long since passed from existence.
    3. to disclose something secret or private;
      tattle:She knows who did it, but she won't tell.
    4. to say positively;
      predict:Who can tell?
    5. to have force or effect;
      operate effectively:a contest in which every stroke tells.
    6. to produce a marked or severe effect:The strain was telling on his health.
    7. British Termsto talk or chat.
    8. tell it like it is, [Informal.]to tell the complete, unadulterated truth;
      be forthright:He may be crude but he tells it like it is.
    9. tell off:
      • to separate from the whole and assign to a particular duty.
      • [Informal.]to rebuke severely;
        scold:It was about time that someone told him off.
    10. tell on, to tattle on (someone).
    • bef. 900; Middle English tellen, Old English tellan to relate, count; cognate with Dutch tellen to reckon, count, Old Norse telja to count, say, Old High German zellēn; akin to tale
      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged recount, describe, report.
      • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged impart.
      • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged speak.
      • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged disclose, betray; acknowledge, own, confess; declare.

    tell2 (tel),USA pronunciation n. 
    1. Archaeologyan artificial mound consisting of the accumulated remains of one or more ancient settlements (often used in Egypt and the Middle East as part of a place name).
    • Arabic tall hillock
    • 1860–65

    Tell  (tel),USA pronunciation n. Wil•helm 
      (vilhelm).USA pronunciation 
    1. MythologySee William Tell. 





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