

单词 tableless

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ta•ble /ˈteɪbəl/USA pronunciation   n., v., -bled, -bling, adj. 
n. [countable]
  1. Furniturea piece of furniture consisting of a flat top supported on one or more legs:a table and four chairs for the dining room.
  2. Furnituresuch a piece of furniture used for serving food to those seated at it:a table for two at the Café Boeuf.
  3. a group of people at a table, as for a meal or a game:had the whole table laughing at his jokes.
  4. a short, brief list or guide:a table of contents.
  5. an arrangement of words, numbers, or signs displaying a set of facts in a compact form:the periodic table (of the chemical elements).

v. [+ object]
  1. Governmentto lay aside (a bill, etc.) for future discussion:The committee couldn't reach agreement and decided to table the bill.

  1. of, relating to, or suitable for a table:a table lamp.
  1. Idioms, Government on the table:
    • (of a point or issue to be discussed) open for discussion or negotiation:The union refused to put the issue of job layoffs on the table; to them it was not negotiable.
  2. Idioms turn the tables, [no object* (~ + on + object)] to reverse an unfavorable situation, esp. by gaining the advantage over an opponent:They turned the tables on the enemy by counterattacking at dawn.
  3. Idioms under the table:
    • secretly, and often dishonestly;
      covertly:He slipped the customs officials some money under the table.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ta•ble  (tābəl),USA pronunciation n., v., -bled, -bling, adj. 
  1. Furniturean article of furniture consisting of a flat, slablike top supported on one or more legs or other supports:a kitchen table;an operating table;a pool table.
  2. Furnituresuch a piece of furniture specifically used for serving food to those seated at it.
  3. the food placed on a table to be eaten:She sets a good table.
  4. a group of persons at a table, as for a meal, game, or business transaction.
  5. a gaming table.
  6. a flat or plane surface;
    a level area.
  7. Geologya tableland or plateau.
  8. a concise list or guide:a table of contents.
  9. an arrangement of words, numbers, or signs, or combinations of them, as in parallel columns, to exhibit a set of facts or relations in a definite, compact, and comprehensive form;
    a synopsis or scheme.
  10. Astronomy(cap.) the constellation Mensa.
  11. Buildinga flat and relatively thin piece of wood, stone, metal, or other hard substance, esp. one artificially shaped for a particular purpose.
  12. Architecture
    • a course or band, esp. of masonry, having a distinctive form or position.
    • a distinctively treated surface on a wall.
  13. a smooth, flat board or slab on which inscriptions may be put.
  14. tables:
    • the tablets on which certain collections of laws were anciently inscribed:the tables of the Decalogue.
    • the laws themselves.
  15. Anatomythe inner or outer hard layer or any of the flat bones of the skull.
  16. Music and Dancea sounding board.
  17. [Jewelry.]
    • Jewelrythe upper horizontal surface of a faceted gem.
    • Jewelrya gem with such a surface.
  18. Government on the table, [Parl. Proc.]
    • Government[U.S.]postponed.
    • , Government, British Terms[Brit.]submitted for consideration.
  19. turn the tables, to cause a reversal of an existing situation, esp. with regard to gaining the upper hand over a competitor, rival, antagonist, etc.:Fortune turned the tables and we won. We turned the tables on them and undersold them by 50 percent.
  20. under the table:
    • drunk.
    • as a bribe;
      secretly:She gave money under the table to get the apartment.
  21. wait (on) table, to work as a waiter or waitress:He worked his way through college by waiting table.Also, wait tables. 

  1. to place (a card, money, etc.) on a table.
  2. to enter in or form into a table or list.
  3. [Parl. Proc.]
    • Government[Chiefly U.S.]to lay aside (a proposal, resolution, etc.) for future discussion, usually with a view to postponing or shelving the matter indefinitely.
    • British Termsto present (a proposal, resolution, etc.) for discussion.

  1. of, pertaining to, or for use on a table:a table lamp.
  2. suitable for serving at a table or for eating or drinking:table grapes.
  • Latin: plank, tablet; (verb, verbal) late Middle English: to record on a table, entertain at table, derivative of the noun, nominal
  • bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle English; Old English tabule, variant of tabula
table•less, adj. 





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