

单词 syntactic

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
syn•tac•tic  (sin taktik),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. Linguisticsof or pertaining to syntax.
  2. Grammarconsisting of or noting morphemes that are combined in the same order as they would be if they were separate words in a corresponding construction:The wordblackberry, which consists of an adjective followed by a noun, is a syntactic compound.
Also, syn•tacti•cal. 
  • Greek syntaktikós, equivalent. to syntakt(ós) ordered, arranged together, verbid of syntássein to arrange together (syn- syn- + tag-, base of tássein to arrange + -tos adjective, adjectival suffix) + -ikos -ic; see tactic
  • Neo-Latin syntacticus
  • 1570–80
syn•tacti•cal•ly, adv. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
synˈtactic /sɪnˈtæktɪk/ adj
  1. Also: synˈtactical relating to or determined by syntax
  2. describable wholly with respect to the grammatical structure of an expression or the rules of well-formedness of a formal system

synˈtactically adv
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
syn•tax /ˈsɪntæks/USA pronunciation   n. [uncountable]
  1. Linguistics
    • the study of the patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words in a language and of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences.
    • the patterns or rules so studied:English syntax.
syn•tac•tic /sɪnˈtæktɪk/USA pronunciation  syn•tac•ti•cal, adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
syn•tax  (sintaks),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Linguistics
    • the study of the rules for the formation of grammatical sentences in a language.
    • the study of the patterns of formation of sentences and phrases from words.
    • the rules or patterns so studied:English syntax.
    • a presentation of these:a syntax of English.
    • an instance of these:the syntax of a sentence.
  2. Philosophy[Logic.]
    • that branch of modern logic that studies the various kinds of signs that occur in a system and the possible arrangements of those signs, complete abstraction being made of the meaning of the signs.
    • the outcome of such a study when directed upon a specified language.
  3. a system or orderly arrangement.
  4. Computingthe grammatical rules and structural patterns governing the ordered use of appropriate words and symbols for issuing commands, writing code, etc., in a particular software application or programming language.
  • Greek sýntaxis an arranging in order, equivalent. to syntag- (see syntactic) + -sis -sis
  • Late Latin
  • short for earlier syntaxis 1565–75

syntax, +n. 
  1. Computingthe grammatical rules and structural patterns governing the ordered use of appropriate words and symbols for issuing commands, writing code, etc., in a particular software application or programming language.





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