

单词 strictly

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
strict•ly  (striktlē),USA pronunciation adv. 
  1. in a strict manner;
    stringently:strictly enforced.
  2. precisely or candidly;
    factually:strictly speaking.
  • strict + -ly 1480–90

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
strict /strɪkt/USA pronunciation   adj., -er, -est. 
  1. closely agreeing with requirements or principles:a strict observance of rituals.
  2. severe;
    demanding:We have strict traffic laws.
  3. exact;
    carefully limited:It wasn't robbery in the strict sense of the word.
  4. absolute;
    complete:strict silence.
strict•ly, adv. 
strict•ness, n. [uncountable]See -strict-.

-strict-, root. 
    1. -strict- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "draw tight;
      tighten.'' This meaning is found in such words as: constrict, district, redistrict, restrict, strict, stricture.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
strict  (strikt),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est. 
  1. characterized by or acting in close conformity to requirements or principles:a strict observance of rituals.
  2. stringent or exacting in or in enforcing rules, requirements, obligations, etc.:strict laws; a strict judge.
  3. closely or rigorously enforced or maintained:strict silence.
  4. exact or precise:a strict statement of facts.
  5. extremely defined or conservative;
    narrowly or carefully limited:a strict construction of the Constitution.
  6. close, careful, or minute:a strict search.
  7. absolute, perfect, or complete;
    utmost:told in strict confidence.
  8. stern;
    austere:strict parents.
  9. [Obs.]drawn tight or close.
  • Latin strictus, equivalent. to strig-, variant stem of stringere to draw tight + -tus past participle suffix
  • 1570–80
strictness, n. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged narrow, illiberal, harsh, austere. Strict, rigid, rigorous, stringent imply inflexibility, severity, and an exacting quality. Strict implies great exactness, esp. in the observance or enforcement of rules:strict discipline.Rigid, literally stiff or unbending, applies to that which is (often unnecessarily or narrowly) inflexible:rigid economy.Rigorous, with the same literal meaning, applies to that which is severe, exacting, and uncompromising, esp. in action or application:rigorous self-denial.Stringent applies to that which is vigorously exacting and severe:stringent measures to suppress disorder.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged accurate, scrupulous.
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged flexible, lax.





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