

单词 stretch

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
stretch /strɛtʃ/USA pronunciation   v. 
  1. to spread out fully;
    straighten (the body, etc.) completely: [+ object]She stretched herself out on the ground.[no object]He yawned and stretched.
  2. to (cause to) extend or spread from one place to another: [+ object]The crew stretched a rope across the road.[no object]The forest stretches for miles.
  3. to extend in time:[no object]His memory stretches back to his early childhood.
  4. to (cause to) be drawn tight or taut, without breaking or snapping: [+ object]to stretch the strings of a violin.[no object]Will this nylon stretch?
  5. to draw out or extend too much: [+ object]The jacket was stretched at the elbows.[no object]The jacket stretched at the stomach.
  6. to extend or force (something) or make (something) serve beyond its normal or proper limits;
    strain:[+ object]to stretch the facts.
  7. to exert (oneself ) to the utmost:[+ object]students who stretch themselves to achieve their best.

  1. [countable] an act or instance of stretching;
    the state of being stretched.
  2. ability to be stretched;
    elasticity:[uncountable]These socks have lost their stretch.
  3. a continuous length:[countable]a stretch of meadow.
  4. Sport the last part of a racetrack:[countable]down the stretch.
  5. an amount of, or extent in, time:[countable]gone for a stretch of ten years.
  6. a term of imprisonment:[countable]a ten-year stretch in prison.

adj. [before a noun]
  1. Textiles(of yarn) having an ability to be easily stretched.
  2. Textilesmade from such yarn:stretch denim.
  3. Transportlonger than standard:stretch limousines.
stretch•a•ble, adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
stretch  (strech),USA pronunciation v.t. 
  1. to draw out or extend (oneself, a body, limbs, wings, etc.) to the full length or extent (often fol. by out):to stretch oneself out on the ground.
  2. to hold out, reach forth, or extend (one's arm, head, etc.).
  3. to extend, spread, or place (something) so as to reach from one point or place to another:to stretch a rope across a road.
  4. to draw tight or taut:to stretch the strings of a violin.
  5. to lengthen, widen, distend, or enlarge by tension:to stretch a rubber band.
  6. to draw out, extend, or enlarge unduly:The jacket was stretched at the elbows.
  7. to extend, force, or make serve beyond the normal or proper limits;
    strain:to stretch the imagination; to stretch food to feed extra guests;to stretch money to keep within a budget.
  8. to extend or strain (oneself ) to the utmost, as by intense exertion;
  9. to increase the quantity of (a beverage, food, paint, etc.) by dilution or admixing:They caught the bartender stretching the gin with water.
  10. Show Business[Radio and Television.]to prolong or slow down (action or pace) in order not to end too early:to stretch a show; to stretch the action two minutes.

  1. to recline at full length (usually fol. by out):to stretch out on a couch.
  2. to extend the hand or to reach, as for something.
  3. to extend over a distance or area or in a particular direction:The forest stretches for miles.
  4. to extend in time:His memory stretches back to his early childhood.
  5. to stretch oneself by extending the limbs and lengthening the muscles to the utmost:to stretch and yawn.
  6. to become stretched, or admit of being stretched, to greater length, width, etc., as any elastic or ductile material.
  7. Show Business[Radio and Television.]to reduce the pace or slow down the action of a radio or television program.

  1. an act or instance of stretching.
  2. the state of being stretched.
  3. a continuous length, distance, tract, or expanse:a stretch of meadow.
  4. Sport[Horse Racing.]the backstretch or homestretch of a racetrack.
  5. Sport[Baseball.]a short windup, usually used to keep base runners from taking too long a lead, in which the pitcher starts the pitching motion with hands together at the waist, raises them to or above the head, brings them back to the waist, and, after a momentary pause, delivers the ball.
  6. an extent in time;
    duration:for a stretch of ten years.
  7. elasticity or capacity for extension.
  8. Slang Termsa term of imprisonment:He's doing a stretch in the pen.
  9. the act or fact of stretching or extending something beyond reasonable or proper limits:You wouldn't call her a genius by any stretch of the imagination. It's quite a stretch for me to believe his story.
  10. (cap.) a nickname for a tall, lanky person.

  1. Textilesmade of synthetic or composite yarn having a sufficiently low denier or having been subjected to any of several special mechanical treatments to permit increased elasticity:stretch girdle; stretch pants.
  2. Textiles(of yarn) modified or twisted so as to afford high elasticity.
  3. TransportAlso, stretched. of or pertaining to a conveyance, as a limousine or airliner, whose seating area is expanded to carry more passengers or afford greater legroom and to allow space for other comforts and amenities.
  • bef. 900; Middle English strecchen (verb, verbal), Old English streccan; cognate with Dutch strekken, German strecken; akin to Old English stræc firm, hard, Middle Dutch strac stiff. See stare, stark
stretcha•ble, adj. 
stretch′a•bili•ty, n. 
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See lengthen. 
    • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged lie down.
    • 20.See corresponding entry in Unabridged range, reach, compass.
    • 5, 16.See corresponding entry in Unabridged shorten, shrink.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
stretch /strɛtʃ/ vb
  1. to draw out or extend or be drawn out or extended in length, area, etc
  2. to extend or be extended to an undue degree, esp so as to distort or lengthen permanently
  3. to extend (the limbs, body, etc)
  4. (transitive) to reach or suspend (a rope, etc) from one place to another
  5. (transitive) to draw tight; tighten
  6. often followed by out, forward, etc: to reach or hold (out); extend
  7. (intransitive) usually followed by over: to extend in time: the course stretched over three months
  8. (intr; followed by for, over, etc) (of a region, etc) to extend in length or area
  9. (intransitive) (esp of a garment) to be capable of expanding, as to a larger size: socks that will stretch
  10. (transitive) to put a great strain upon or extend to the limit
  11. to injure (a muscle, tendon, ligament, etc) by means of a strain or sprain
  12. (transitive) often followed by out: to make do with (limited resources): to stretch one's budget
  13. (transitive) informal to expand or elaborate (a story, etc) beyond what is credible or acceptable
  14. (tr; often passive) to extend, as to the limit of one's abilities or talents
  15. archaic or slang to hang or be hanged by the neck
  16. stretch a pointto make a concession or exception not usually made
  17. to exaggerate
  18. stretch one's legsto take a walk, esp after a period of inactivity
  1. the act of stretching or state of being stretched
  2. a large or continuous expanse or distance: a stretch of water
  3. extent in time, length, area, etc
  4. capacity for being stretched, as in some garments
  5. (as modifier): stretch pants
  6. the section or sections of a racecourse that are straight, esp the final straight section leading to the finishing line
  7. slang a term of imprisonment
  8. at a stretchchiefly Brit with some difficulty; by making a special effort
  9. if really necessary or in extreme circumstances
  10. at one time
Etymology: Old English streccan; related to Old Frisian strekka, Old High German strecken; see straight, strake

ˈstretchable adj ˌstretchaˈbility n




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