

单词 stopt

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
stopt (stopt),USA pronunciation v. [Archaic.]
  1. a pt. and pp. of stop. 

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
stop /stɑp/USA pronunciation   v., stopped, stop•ping, n. 
  1. to cease from doing;
    finish (an activity):[+ verb-ing]I couldn't stop laughing at the joke.
  2. to (cause to) cease or come to an end: [+ object]to stop crime.[no object]The music stopped.
  3. to come to a stand, as in a course or journey: [no object]He stopped at the side of the road and watched the cars go by.[+ to + verb]They stopped to say hello.
  4. to interrupt or cut off:[+ object]Stop your work for just a moment, please.
  5. to halt for a stay or visit:[no object]They're stopping at a nice hotel.
  6. to cut off, intercept, or withhold:[+ object]to stop supplies.
  7. to keep back, restrain, or prevent:[+ object (+ from)]I couldn't stop him (from going).
  8. to (cause to) be prevented from proceeding, acting, or operating: [+ object]to stop a car.[no object]The car stopped when it ran out of gas.
  9. to (cause to) be blocked or closed off: [~ (+ up) + object]Something has stopped (up) the sink again.[+ object + up]Something has stopped it up again.[no object* ~ + up]The sink has stopped up again.
  10. [+ object] to close (a container, etc.) with a cork, plug, etc.
  11. (of the outer openings of the ears, nose, or mouth) to (cause to) be closed: [+ object (+ up)]My nose is stopped (up) and I can't breathe.[no object* ~ + up]My ears stop up in airplanes.
  12. Business to notify a bank to refuse payment of (a check) upon presentation:[+ object]He stopped payment on the check because the merchandise was broken.
  13. stop by or in, to make a brief visit: [no object]We stopped by to say hello.[+ by + object]We stopped by their house on the way through Indiana.
  14. stop off, [no object] to halt for a brief stay at some point on the way elsewhere.
  15. stop over, [no object]
    • to stop briefly, as overnight, in the course of a journey:They stopped over in Copenhagen.
    • to make a brief visit.

n. [countable]
  1. the act of stopping.
  2. a bringing to an end of movement, activity, or operation;
    end:Put a stop to that!
  3. a stay made at a place, as in the course of a journey:We had a brief stop in Oslo.
  4. Transporta place where vehicles halt to take on and let off passengers:a bus stop.
  5. a plug or other stopper for an opening.
  6. a device that serves to check or control movement or action in a mechanism.
  7. Businessan order to refuse payment of a check:Put a stop on that check.
  8. any of various marks used as punctuation at the end of a sentence, esp. a period.
  1. Idioms pull out all the stops, to use every means available to accomplish something:At the end of the campaign he was pulling out all the stops: visiting every town and spending enormous sums on advertising.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
stop  (stop),USA pronunciation v., stopped or (Archaic) stopt;

  1. to cease from, leave off, or discontinue:to stop running.
  2. to cause to cease;
    put an end to:to stop noise in the street.
  3. to interrupt, arrest, or check (a course, proceeding, process, etc.):Stop your work just a minute.
  4. to cut off, intercept, or withhold:to stop supplies.
  5. to restrain, hinder, or prevent (usually fol. by from):I couldn't stop him from going.
  6. to prevent from proceeding, acting, operating, continuing, etc.:to stop a speaker; to stop a car.
  7. to block, obstruct, or close (a passageway, channel, opening, duct, etc.) (usually fol. by up):He stopped up the sink with a paper towel. He stopped the hole in the tire with a patch.
  8. to fill the hole or holes in (a wall, a decayed tooth, etc.).
  9. to close (a container, tube, etc.) with a cork, plug, bung, or the like.
  10. to close the external orifice of (the ears, nose, mouth, etc.).
  11. Sport
    • to check (a stroke, blow, etc.);
      ward off.
    • to defeat (an opposing player or team):The Browns stopped the Colts.
    • [Boxing.]to defeat by a knockout or technical knockout:Louis stopped Conn in the 13th round.
  12. Business[Banking.]to notify a bank to refuse payment of (a check) upon presentation.
  13. Games[Bridge.]to have an honor card and a sufficient number of protecting cards to keep an opponent from continuing to win in (a suit).
  14. Music and Dance
    • to close (a fingerhole) in order to produce a particular note from a wind instrument.
    • to press down (a string of a violin, viola, etc.) in order to alter the pitch of the tone produced from it.
    • to produce (a particular note) by so doing.

  1. to come to a stand, as in a course or journey;
  2. to cease moving, proceeding, speaking, acting, operating, etc.;
    to pause;
  3. to cease;
    come to an end.
  4. to halt for a brief visit (often fol. by at, in, or by):He is stopping at the best hotel in town.
  5. stop by, to make a brief visit on one's way elsewhere:I'll stop by on my way home.
  6. Photography stop down, (on a camera) to reduce (the diaphragm opening of a lens).
  7. stop in, to make a brief, incidental visit:If you're in town, be sure to stop in.
  8. stop off, to halt for a brief stay at some point on the way elsewhere:On the way to Rome we stopped off at Florence.
  9. stop out:
    • to mask (certain areas of an etching plate, photographic negative, etc.) with varnish, paper, or the like, to prevent their being etched, printed, etc.
    • to withdraw temporarily from school:Most of the students who stop out eventually return to get their degrees.
  10. stop over, to stop briefly in the course of a journey:Many motorists were forced to stop over in that town because of floods.

  1. the act of stopping.
  2. a cessation or arrest of movement, action, operation, etc.;
    end:The noise came to a stop. Put a stop to that behavior!
  3. a stay or sojourn made at a place, as in the course of a journey:Above all, he enjoyed his stop in Trieste.
  4. Transporta place where trains or other vehicles halt to take on and discharge passengers:Is this a bus stop?
  5. a closing or filling up, as of a hole.
  6. a blocking or obstructing, as of a passage or channel.
  7. a plug or other stopper for an opening.
  8. an obstacle, impediment, or hindrance.
  9. any piece or device that serves to check or control movement or action in a mechanism.
  10. Architecturea feature terminating a molding or chamfer.
  11. Business[Com.]
    • an order to refuse payment of a check.
    • See stop order. 
  12. Music and Dance
    • the act of closing a fingerhole or pressing a string of an instrument in order to produce a particular note.
    • a device or contrivance, as on an instrument, for accomplishing this.
    • (in an organ) a graduated set of pipes of the same kind and giving tones of the same quality.
    • Also called stop knob. a knob or handle that is drawn out or pushed back to permit or prevent the sounding of such a set of pipes or to control some other part of the organ.
    • (in a reed organ) a group of reeds functioning like a pipe-organ stop.
  13. Sportan individual defensive play or act that prevents an opponent or opposing team from scoring, advancing, or gaining an advantage, as a catch in baseball, a tackle in football, or the deflection of a shot in hockey.
  14. Nautical, Naval Termsa piece of small line used to lash or fasten something, as a furled sail.
  15. Phonetics
    • an articulation that interrupts the flow of air from the lungs.
    • a consonant sound characterized by stop articulation, as p, b, t, d, k, and g. Cf. continuant. 
  16. Photographythe diaphragm opening of a lens, esp. as indicated by an f- number.
  17. Building
    • See stop bead. 
    • doorstop (def. 2).
  18. any of various marks used as punctuation at the end of a sentence, esp. a period.
  19. the word "stop'' printed in the body of a telegram or cablegram to indicate a period.
  20. Games stops, (used with a sing. v.) a family of card games whose object is to play all of one's cards in a predetermined sequence before one's opponents.
  21. Zoologya depression in the face of certain animals, esp. dogs, marking the division between the forehead and the projecting part of the muzzle. See diag. under dog. 
  22. pull out all the stops:
    • to use every means available.
    • to express, do, or carry out something without reservation.
  • Greek stýppē
  • bef. 1000; Middle English stoppen (verb, verbal), Old English -stoppian (in forstoppian to stop up); cognate with Dutch, Low German stoppen, German stopfen; all Vulgar Latin *stuppāre to plug with oakum, derivative of Latin stuppa coarse hemp or flax
stopless, adj. 
stopless•ness, n. 
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Stop, arrest, check, halt imply causing a cessation of movement or progress (literal or figurative). Stop is the general term for the idea:to stop a clock.Arrest usually refers to stopping by imposing a sudden and complete restraint:to arrest development.Check implies bringing about an abrupt, partial, or temporary stop:to check a trotting horse.To halt means to make a temporary stop, esp. one resulting from a command:to halt a company of soldiers.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged thwart, obstruct, impede.
    • 16.See corresponding entry in Unabridged quit.
    • 26.See corresponding entry in Unabridged halt; termination.
    • 28.See corresponding entry in Unabridged terminal.
    • 33.See corresponding entry in Unabridged governor.
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged –3. start.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
stop /stɒp/ vb (stops, stopping, stopped)
  1. to cease from doing or being (something); discontinue: stop talking
  2. to cause (something moving) to halt or (of something moving) to come to a halt
  3. (transitive) to prevent the continuance or completion of
  4. (transitive) often followed by from: to prevent or restrain: to stop George from fighting
  5. (transitive) to keep back: to stop supplies to the navy
  6. (transitive) to intercept or hinder in transit: to stop a letter
  7. (transitive) often followed by up: to block or plug, esp so as to close: to stop up a pipe
  8. (transitive) often followed by up: to fill a hole or opening in: to stop up a wall
  9. (transitive) to staunch or stem: to stop a wound
  10. (transitive) to instruct a bank not to honour (a cheque)
  11. (transitive) to deduct (money) from pay
  12. (transitive) Brit to provide with punctuation
  13. (transitive) to beat (an opponent) either by a knockout or a technical knockout
  14. (transitive) informal to receive (a blow, hit, etc)
  15. (intransitive) to stay or rest: we stopped at the Robinsons' for three nights
  16. (transitive) rare to defeat, beat, or kill
  17. (transitive) to alter the vibrating length of (a string on a violin, guitar, etc) by pressing down on it at some point with the finger
  18. to alter the vibrating length of an air column in a wind instrument by closing (a finger hole, etc)
  19. to produce (a note) in this manner
  20. (transitive) to place a hand inside (the bell of a French horn) to alter the tone colour and pitch or play (a note) on a French horn in such a manner
  21. to have a protecting card or winner in (a suit in which one's opponents are strong)
  22. stop at nothingto be prepared to do anything; be unscrupulous or ruthless
  1. an arrest of movement or progress
  2. the act of stopping or the state of being stopped
  3. a place where something halts or pauses: a bus stop
  4. a stay in or as if in the course of a journey
  5. the act or an instance of blocking or obstructing
  6. a plug or stopper
  7. a block, screw, or other device or object that prevents, limits, or terminates the motion of a mechanism or moving part
  8. Brit a punctuation mark, esp a full stop

  9. Also called: stop thrust a counterthrust made without a parry in the hope that one's blade will touch before one's opponent's blade
  10. the act of stopping the string, finger hole, etc, of an instrument
  11. a set of organ pipes or harpsichord strings that may be allowed to sound as a group by muffling or silencing all other such sets
  12. a knob, lever, or handle on an organ, etc, that is operated to allow sets of pipes to sound
  13. an analogous device on a harpsichord or other instrument with variable registers, such as an electrophonic instrument
  14. pull out all the stopsto play at full volume
  15. to spare no effort
  16. Austral a stud on a football boot
  17. the angle between the forehead and muzzle of a dog or cat, regarded as a point in breeding
  18. a short length of line or small stuff used as a tie, esp for a furled sail
  19. Also called: stop consonant any of a class of consonants articulated by first making a complete closure at some point of the vocal tract and then releasing it abruptly with audible plosion. Stops include the labials (p, b), the alveolars or dentals (t, d), the velars (k, g)
    Compare continuant
  20. Also called: f-stop a setting of the aperture of a camera lens, calibrated to the corresponding f-number
  21. another name for diaphragm
  22. a block or carving used to complete the end of a moulding

  23. Also called: stopper a protecting card or winner in a suit in which one's opponents are strong

See also stop off, stopoverEtymology: 14th Century: from Old English stoppian (unattested), as in forstoppian to plug the ear, ultimately from Late Latin stuppāre to stop with a tow, from Latin stuppa tow, from Greek stuppē

ˈstoppable adj




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