

单词 sterile

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ster•ile /ˈstɛrɪl/USA pronunciation   adj. 
  1. Microbiologyfree from living germs, bacteria, or microorganisms:a sterile environment for operating on patients.
  2. Microbiologynot able to produce young:fears that nuclear radiation made people sterile.
  3. Microbiologynot producing vegetation:sterile soil.
  4. not producing results, ideas, etc.; fruitless:scientists engaged in sterile research.
ste•ril•i•ty /stəˈrɪlɪti/USA pronunciation  n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ster•ile  (steril or, esp. Brit., -īl),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. Microbiologyfree from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic:sterile surgical instruments.
  2. Microbiologyincapable of producing offspring;
    not producing offspring.
  3. Microbiologybarren;
    not producing vegetation:sterile soil.
  4. [Bot.]
    • Botanynoting a plant in which reproductive structures fail to develop.
    • Botanybearing no stamens or pistils.
  5. not productive of results, ideas, etc.;
  • Latin sterilis unfruitful
  • 1545–55
sterile•ly, adv. 
ste•ril•i•ty  (stə rili tē),USA pronunciation sterile•ness, n. 
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged infecund, unfruitful.
    • 2, 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fertile.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
sterile /ˈstɛraɪl/ adj
  1. unable to produce offspring; infertile
  2. free from living, esp pathogenic, microorganisms; aseptic
  3. (of plants or their parts) not producing or bearing seeds, fruit, spores, stamens, or pistils
  4. lacking inspiration or vitality; fruitless
Etymology: 16th Century: from Latin sterilis

ˈsterilely adv sterility /stɛˈrɪlɪtɪ/ n




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