

单词 spaced

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
space /speɪs/USA pronunciation   n., v., spaced, spac•ing, adj. 
  1. Physics the three-dimensional area in which material objects are located:[uncountable]Events happen in time and space.
  2. extent or area or a particular extent of surface, such as a distance measured in a line between objects: [uncountable]We need more space to set up our equipment.[countable]wide spaces between the teeth.
  3. Astronomy the place beyond the earth's atmosphere, where planets, stars, and galaxies are found;
    outer space:[uncountable]the future exploration of space.
  4. a place available for a particular purpose:[countable]We drove around the block looking for a parking space.
  5. an area in which a person can sit, or a seat or room on a train, airplane, etc.: [uncountable]I saved space for us; come and sit here.[countable]I saved a space for us; sit here.
  6. extent, or a particular extent, of time:[countable* usually singular]Can we finish eating and be out of here in a space of two hours?
  7. a blank area in text: [countable]Skip two spaces between each line of your writing.[uncountable]Leave plenty of space at the margin.
  8. Show Business[uncountable] an area or a time set aside for a specific use, such as advertising in a publication or on television.
  9. freedom or opportunity to express oneself, fulfill one's needs, etc.:[uncountable]Children need support, but they also need their space.

  1. to set (items) some distance apart from each other: [~ (+ out) + object]Space (out) the desks evenly.[+ object (+ out)]to space the desks (out) so the students can't look at each other's papers.
  2. space out, [no object] to become passively absorbed;
    stop paying attention or participating:spacing out in front of the TV.

adj. [before a noun]
  1. Astronomyof, relating to, or suitable for use in outer space or deep space.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
space  (spās),USA pronunciation n., v., spaced, spac•ing, adj. 
  1. Physicsthe unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur.
  2. Physicsthe portion or extent of this in a given instance;
    extent or room in three dimensions:the space occupied by a body.
  3. extent or area in two dimensions;
    a particular extent of surface:to fill out blank spaces in a document.
  4. Fine Art
    • the designed and structured surface of a picture:In Mondrian's later work he organized space in highly complex rhythms.
    • the illusion of depth on a two-dimensional surface.
  5. AstronomySee outer space. 
  6. AstronomySee deep space. 
  7. a seat, berth, or room on a train, airplane, etc.
  8. a place available for a particular purpose:a parking space.
  9. linear distance;
    a particular distance:trees separated by equal spaces.
  10. Mathematicsa system of objects with relations between the objects defined.
  11. extent, or a particular extent, of time:a space of two hours.
  12. an interval of time;
    a while:After a space he continued his story.
  13. an area or interval allowed for or taken by advertising, as in a periodical, on the radio, etc.
  14. Music and Dancethe interval between two adjacent lines of the staff.
  15. an interval or blank area in text:a space between the letters.
  16. Printingone of the blank pieces of metal, less than type-high, used to separate words, sentences, etc.
  17. Telecommunicationsan interval during the transmitting of a message when the key is not in contact.
  18. Show Businessradio or television broadcast time allowed or available for a program, advertisement, etc.
  19. freedom or opportunity to express oneself, resolve a personal difficulty, be alone, etc.;
    allowance, understanding, or noninterference:Right now, you can help by giving me some space.

  1. to fix the space or spaces of;
    divide into spaces.
  2. to set some distance apart.
  3. Printing
    • Printingto separate (words, letters, or lines) by spaces.
    • Printingto extend by inserting more space or spaces (usually fol. by out).

  1. Astronomyof, pertaining to, or concerned with outer space or deep space:a space mission.
  2. Astronomydesigned for or suitable to use in the exploration of outer space or deep space:space tools; specially packaged space food for astronauts.
  • Latin spatium
  • Old French espace
  • Middle English (noun, nominal) 1250–1300
spacer, n. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
space /speɪs/ n
  1. the unlimited three-dimensional expanse in which all material objects are located
    Related adjective(s): spatial
  2. an interval of distance or time between two points, objects, or events
  3. a blank portion or area
  4. unoccupied area or room: there is no space for a table
  5. (in combination): space-saving
    Related adjective(s): spacious
  6. the region beyond the earth's atmosphere containing the other planets of the solar system, stars, galaxies, etc; universe
  7. (as modifier): a space probe, space navigation
  8. a seat or place, as on a train, aircraft, etc
  9. a piece of metal, less than type-high, used to separate letters or words in hot-metal printing
  10. any of the gaps between the lines that make up the staff
  11. Also called: spacing the period of time that separates complete letters, digits, and other characters in Morse code
vb (transitive)
  1. to place or arrange at intervals or with spaces between
  2. to divide into or by spaces: to space one's time evenly
  3. to separate (letters, words, or lines) by the insertion of spaces
Etymology: 13th Century: from Old French espace, from Latin spatium




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