

单词 sound out

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
sound out vb
  1. (tr, adverb) to question (someone) in order to discover (opinions, facts, etc)
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
sound1 /saʊnd/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. the sensation produced by vibrations that stimulate the nerves of the ear and can be heard:[uncountable]Sound travels at speeds slower than light.
  2. the particular effect produced by a certain source on one's hearing:[countable]the sound of fire engines.
  3. a noise, a word or part of a word produced by the voice, a musical tone, etc.:[countable]had trouble pronouncing the ö and ä sounds in Swedish.
  4. Music, Music and Dance a musical style characteristic of a certain group of performers:[countable]the Motown sound.
  5. the quality of an event, letter, etc., as it affects a person:[countable* usually singular;usually: the + ~ + of + object]I don't like the sound of that report.
  6. the distance within which something can be heard:[countable]dozens of people within the sound of his voice.
  7. meaningless noise:[uncountable]all sound and fury.

  1. to (cause to) give off sound: [+ object]Sound the alarm.[no object]The alarm sounded.
  2. to give a certain impression when heard or read:[not: be + ~-ing* ~ + adjective/like/as if/as though]His voice sounded strange. The engine backfire sounded like a gunshot. That procedure sounds as if it will work.
  3. to give forth (a sound):[+ object]The oboe sounded an A.
  4. to order by a sound:[+ object]The bugle sounded retreat.
  5. sound off, [Informal.][no object]
    • to call out one's name, as at a roll call.
    • to call out the rhythm as one marches in formation.
    • to speak frankly, indiscreetly, or too angrily:Quit sounding off about everything.
  6. sound out, to pronounce (a sound of a language), esp. carefully: [+ out + object]to sound out the letters one after the other.[+ object + out]If you don't know the word, sound it out.
sound•less, adj. See -son-.

sound2 /saʊnd/USA pronunciation   adj., -er, -est, adv. 
  1. Medicinefree from injury, damage, or disease;
    in good condition;
    healthy:a sound body.
  2. financially strong, secure, or reliable:a sound investment.
  3. sensible;
    valid:sound judgment.
  4. of solid character;
    upright or honorable:sound values.
  5. uninterrupted and untroubled;
    deep:woke up from a sound sleep.
  6. vigorous, thorough, or severe:a sound thrashing.

  1. deeply;
    thoroughly:She was sound asleep.
sound•ly, adv.: The team was soundly defeated.
sound•ness, n. [uncountable]

sound3 /saʊnd/USA pronunciation   v. 
  1. Nautical, Naval Terms[+ object] to measure the depth of (water, a deep hole, etc.) by letting down a lead weight at the end of a line.
  2. to ask for an opinion from (someone), by indirect ways: [+ object + out]Let's sound him out about the reorganization plan.[+ out + object]Always sound out your spouse before buying something expensive.
  3. [no object] to plunge downward or dive, such as a whale.
sound•ing, n. [countable]to take a sounding.

sound4 /saʊnd/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. a narrow passage of water between larger bodies of water or between the mainland and an island: [countable]long sounds along the coast.[used as part of a proper noun]Long Island Sound.
  2. an inlet or arm of the sea: [countable]a coastline of small, enclosed sounds.[used as part of a proper noun]Puget Sound.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
sound1  (sound),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by vibrations transmitted through the air or other medium.
  2. Physicsmechanical vibrations transmitted through an elastic medium, traveling in air at a speed of approximately 1087 ft. (331 m) per second at sea level.
  3. the particular auditory effect produced by a given cause:the sound of music.
  4. any auditory effect;
    any audible vibrational disturbance:all kinds of sounds.
  5. a noise, vocal utterance, musical tone, or the like:the sounds from the next room.
  6. Music, Music and Dancea distinctive, characteristic, or recognizable musical style, as from a particular performer, orchestra, or type of arrangement:the big-band sound.
  7. Phonetics
    • See speech sound. 
    • the audible result of an utterance or portion of an utterance:the s-sound in "slight''; the sound ofm in "mere.''
  8. Physicsthe auditory effect of sound waves as transmitted or recorded by a particular system of sound reproduction:the sound of a stereophonic recording.
  9. the quality of an event, letter, etc., as it affects a person:This report has a bad sound.
  10. the distance within which the noise of something may be heard.
  11. mere noise, without meaning:all sound and fury.
  12. [Archaic.]a report or rumor;

  1. to make or emit a sound.
  2. to give forth a sound as a call or summons:The bugle sounded as the troops advanced.
  3. to be heard, as a sound.
  4. to convey a certain impression when heard or read:to sound strange.
  5. to give a specific sound:to sound loud.
  6. to give the appearance of being;
    seem:The report sounds true.
  7. Lawto have as its basis or foundation (usually fol. by in):His action sounds in contract.

  1. to cause to make or emit a sound:to sound a bell.
  2. to give forth (a sound):The oboe sounded an A.
  3. to announce, order, or direct by or as by a sound:The bugle sounded retreat. His speech sounded a warning to aggressor nations.
  4. to utter audibly, pronounce, or express:to sound each letter.
  5. to examine by percussion or auscultation:to sound a patient's chest.
  6. sound off, [Informal.]
    • to call out one's name, as at military roll call.
    • to speak freely or frankly, esp. to complain in such a manner.
    • to exaggerate;
      boast:Has he been sounding off about his golf game again?
  • Latin sonāre, derivative of sonus
  • Old French suner
  • Latin sonus; (verb, verbal) Middle English sounen
  • Anglo-French (Old French son)
  • (noun, nominal) Middle English soun 1250–1300
sounda•ble, adj. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Sound, noise, tone refer to something heard. Sound and noise are often used interchangeably for anything perceived by means of hearing. Sound, however, is more general in application, being used for anything within earshot:the sound of running water.Noise, caused by irregular vibrations, is more properly applied to a loud, discordant, or unpleasant sound:the noise of shouting.Tone is applied to a musical sound having a certain quality, resonance, and pitch.

sound2  (sound),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, adv. 
    1. Medicinefree from injury, damage, defect, disease, etc.;
      in good condition;
      robust:a sound heart; a sound mind.
    2. financially strong, secure, or reliable:a sound business; sound investments.
    3. competent, sensible, or valid:sound judgment.
    4. having no defect as to truth, justice, wisdom, or reason:sound advice.
    5. of substantial or enduring character:sound moral values.
    6. following in a systematic pattern without any apparent defect in logic:sound reasoning.
    7. uninterrupted and untroubled;
      deep:sound sleep.
    8. vigorous, thorough, or severe:a sound thrashing.
    9. free from moral defect or weakness;
      upright, honest, or good;
    10. Lawhaving no legal defect:a sound title to property.
    11. Religiontheologically correct or orthodox, as doctrines or a theologian.

    1. deeply;
      thoroughly:sound asleep.
    • 1150–1200; Middle English sund, Old English gesund (see y-); cognate with Dutch gezond, German gesund
    soundly, adv. 
    soundness, n. 
      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged unharmed, whole, hale, unbroken, hardy.
      • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged solvent.
      • 4, 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged valid, rational, logical.

sound3  (sound),USA pronunciation v.t. 
  1. Nautical, Naval Termsto measure or try the depth of (water, a deep hole, etc.) by letting down a lead or plummet at the end of a line, or by some equivalent means.
  2. Nautical, Naval Termsto measure (depth) in such a manner, as at sea.
  3. Nautical, Naval Termsto examine or test (the bottom, as of the sea or a deep hole) with a lead that brings up adhering bits of matter.
  4. to examine or investigate;
    seek to fathom or ascertain:to sound a person's views.
  5. to seek to elicit the views or sentiments of (a person) by indirect inquiries, suggestive allusions, etc. (often fol. by out):Why not sound him out about working for us?
  6. Surgeryto examine, as the urinary bladder, with a sound.

  1. Nautical, Naval Termsto use the lead and line or some other device for measuring depth, as at sea.
  2. Nautical, Naval Termsto go down or touch bottom, as a lead.
  3. to plunge downward or dive, as a whale.
  4. to make investigation;
    seek information, esp. by indirect inquiries.

  1. Surgerya long, slender instrument for sounding or exploring body cavities or canals.
  • ?
  • Old French sonder to plumb, derivative of sonde sounding line
  • Middle English sounden 1300–50
sounda•ble, adj. 

sound4  (sound),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a relatively narrow passage of water between larger bodies of water or between the mainland and an island:Long Island Sound.
  2. an inlet, arm, or recessed portion of the sea:Puget Sound.
  3. the air bladder of a fish.
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English sund act of swimming; akin to swim

Sound  (sound),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Place Names The, a strait between SW Sweden and Zealand, connecting the Kattegat and the Baltic. 87 mi. (140 km) long;
    3–30 mi. (5–48 km) wide. Swedish and Danish, Oresund. 





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