

单词 soldier on

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
soldier on vb
  1. (intr, adverb) to persist in one's efforts in spite of difficulties, pressure, etc
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
sol•dier /ˈsoʊldʒɚ/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. Militaryone who works or has worked in military service.
  2. Militaryan enlisted person, as distinguished from a commissioned officer.
  3. a low-ranking member of a crime organization.
  4. Insectsa member of certain insect groups whose job is to defend the colony from invaders.

v. [no object]
  1. soldier on, to continue forward in spite of difficulty or hardship;
    persist:He soldiered on and finally got his bachelor's degree.
sol•dier•ly, adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
sol•dier  (sōljər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Militarya person who serves in an army;
    a person engaged in military service.
  2. Militaryan enlisted man or woman, as distinguished from a commissioned officer:the soldiers' mess and the officers' mess.
  3. Militarya person of military skill or experience:George Washington was a great soldier.
  4. a person who contends or serves in any cause:a soldier of the Lord.
  5. Sociology, Slang TermsAlso called button man. [Slang.]a low-ranking member of a crime organization or syndicate.
  6. Insects[Entomol.]a member of a caste of sexually underdeveloped female ants or termites specialized, as with powerful jaws, to defend the colony from invaders.
  7. Buildinga brick laid vertically with the narrower long face out. Cf. rowlock (def. 2).
  8. Informal Termsa person who avoids work or pretends to work;

  1. to act or serve as a soldier.
  2. [Informal.]to loaf while pretending to work;
    malinger:He was soldiering on the job.
  3. soldier on, to persist steadfastly in one's work;
    persevere:to soldier on until the work is done.
  • Latin solidus; see sol2) + -ier -ier2
  • Old French soudier, so(l)dier, equivalent. to soulde pay (
  • Middle English souldiour 1250–1300
soldier•ship′, n. 





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