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WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024bed /bɛd/USA pronunciation n., v., bed•ded, bed•ding. n. - Furniture a piece of furniture on which one sleeps or rests:[countable]The hotel room had two double beds.
- the act of or time for sleeping:[uncountable]It's time for bed!
- an area of ground for growing plants:[countable]a flower bed.
- Geography the bottom of a body of water:[countable]the sea bed.
- [countable] an area on the bottom of a body of water that has a supply of plant or animal life: an oyster bed.
v. [~ + object] - to provide with or put to a bed:We bedded them for a week.
Idioms- Idiomsget up on the wrong side of the bed, to be cranky and fussy from the moment one awakes:He's mean today; he must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.
- Idioms go to bed, [no object]
- to retire, esp. for the night:They're really tired, let them go to bed.
- Idioms go to bed with, [~ + object] to have sexual relations with:He just wants to go to bed with you.
- Idioms in bed,
- beneath the covers of a bed:still in bed at two in the afternoon.
- having sexual intercourse:found him in bed with his secretary.
- Idioms make a bed, to fit a bed with sheets and blankets.
B.Ed., - an abbreviation of: Bachelor of Education.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024Beds (bedz),USA pronunciation n. - Place NamesBedfordshire.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024bed (bed),USA pronunciation n., v., bed•ded, bed•ding. n. - Furniturea piece of furniture upon which or within which a person sleeps, rests, or stays when not well.
- Furniturethe mattress and bedclothes together with the bedstead of a bed.
- Furniturethe bedstead alone.
- the act of or time for sleeping:Now for a cup of cocoa and then bed.
- the use of a bed for the night;
lodging:I reserved a bed at the old inn. - the marital relationship.
- any resting place:making his bed under a tree.
- something resembling a bed in form or position.
- a piece or area of ground in a garden or lawn in which plants are grown.
- an area in a greenhouse in which plants are grown.
- the plants in such areas.
- the bottom of a lake, river, sea, or other body of water.
- a piece or part forming a foundation or base.
- Geologya layer of rock;
a stratum. - Civil Engineeringa foundation surface of earth or rock supporting a track, pavement, or the like:a gravel bed for the roadway.
- Building
- the underside of a stone, brick, slate, tile, etc., laid in position.
- Buildingthe upper side of a stone laid in position.
- the layer of mortar in which a brick, stone, etc., is laid.
- Buildingthe natural stratification of a stone:a stone laid on bed.
- Furnitureskirt (def. 6b).
- Printingthe flat surface in a printing press on which the form of type is laid.
- Transportthe body or, sometimes, the floor or bottom of a truck or trailer.
- Chemistrya compact mass of a substance functioning in a reaction as a catalyst or reactant.
- Sport
- the canvas surface of a trampoline.
- the smooth, wooden floor of a bowling alley.
- the slate surface of a billiard table to which the cloth is fastened.
- Zoologyflesh enveloping the base of a claw, esp. the germinative layer beneath the claw.
- NauticalAlso called mock, mock mold. [Shipbuilding.]a shaped steel pattern upon which furnaced plates for the hull of a vessel are hammered to shape.
- See bed and board.
- Idioms get up on the wrong side of the bed, to be irritable or bad-tempered from the start of a day:Never try to reason with him when he's gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.
- Idioms go to bed:
- to retire, esp. for the night.
- to engage in sexual relations.
- Idioms go to bed with, to have sexual intercourse with.
- Idioms in bed:
- beneath the covers of a bed.
- engaged in sexual intercourse.
- Idioms jump or get into bed with, to form a close, often temporary, alliance, usually with an unlikely ally:Industry was charged with jumping into bed with labor on the issue.
- Idioms make a bed, to fit a bed with sheets and blankets.
- Idioms make one's bed, to be responsible for one's own actions and their results:You've made your bed--now lie in it.
- put to bed:
- to help (a child, invalid, etc.) go to bed.
- Printingto lock up (forms) in a press in preparation for printing.
- Printingto work on the preparation of (an edition of a newspaper, periodical, etc.) up to the time of going to press.
v.t. - to provide with a bed.
- to put to bed.
- Botany[Hort.]to plant in or as in a bed.
- to lay flat.
- to place in a bed or layer:to bed oysters.
- to embed, as in a substance:bedding the flagstones in concrete.
- to take or accompany to bed for purposes of sexual intercourse.
v.i. - to have sleeping accommodations:He says we can bed there for the night.
- Geologyto form a compact layer or stratum.
- Metallurgy(of a metal structural part) to lie flat or close against another part.
- [Archaic.]to go to bed.
- bed down:
- to make a bed for (a person, animal, etc.).
- to retire to bed:They put out the fire and decided to bed down for the night.
- Gmc * badjan (neuter); akin to Latin fodere to dig, Old Church Slavonic bodǫ, Lithuanian bedù I pierce, Welsh bedd a grave; presumably a bed was dug out in the ground
- bef. 1000; Middle English; Old English bedd; cognate with Old Frisian, Dutch bed, Old Saxon bed(de), Old High German betti (German Bett), Gothic badi
bed′less, adj. bed′like′, adj. - 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged band, belt, seam, lode.
B.Ed., - Bachelor of Education.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: Beds abbreviation for - Bedfordshire
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: bed /bɛd/ n - a piece of furniture on which to sleep
- the mattress and bedclothes on such a piece of furniture: an unmade bed
- sleep or rest: time for bed
- any place in which a person or animal sleeps or rests
- a unit of potential occupancy in a hospital or residential institution
- informal sexual intercourse
- a plot of ground in which plants are grown, esp when considered together with the plants in it
- the bottom of a river, lake, or sea
- a part of this used for cultivation of a plant or animal: oyster beds
- a layer of crushed rock, gravel, etc, used as a foundation for a road, railway, etc
- any underlying structure or part
- a layer of rock, esp sedimentary rock
- go to bed ⇒ (often followed by with) to have sexual intercourse (with)
- (of a newspaper, magazine, etc) to go to press; start printing
- in bed with ⇒ informal cooperating closely with (another person, organization, government, etc.) esp covertly
- put to bed ⇒ to finalize work on (a newspaper, magazine, etc) so that it is ready to go to press
- take to one's bed ⇒ to remain in bed, esp because of illness
vb (beds, bedding, bedded)- (usually followed by down) to go to or put into a place to sleep or rest
- (transitive) to have sexual intercourse with
- (transitive) to place, fix, or sink firmly into position; embed
- to form or be arranged in a distinct layer; stratify
- (transitive) often followed by out: to plant in a bed of soil
Etymology: Old English bedd; related to Old Norse bethr, Old High German betti, Gothic badi |