

单词 beakless

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
beak /bik/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. Birdsthe hard, curved, horny part of a bird's mouth; bill.
  2. Zoologyany horny or stiff mouthpart of an animal that sticks out or is curved like a bird's.
  3. Slang TermsSlang. a person's nose:His beak curved out and down.
beaked /bikt, ˈbikɪd/USA pronunciation  adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
beak  (bēk),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Birdsthe bill of a bird; neb.
  2. Zoologyany similar horny mouthpart in other animals, as the turtle or duckbill.
  3. anything beaklike or ending in a point, as the spout of a pitcher.
  4. Slang Termsa person's nose.
  5. Insects[Entomol.]proboscis (def. 3).
  6. Botanya narrowed or prolonged tip.
  7. Nautical, Naval Terms(formerly) a metal or metal-sheathed projection from the bow of a warship, used to ram enemy vessels;
  8. Printing[Typography.]a serif on the arm of a character, as of a K.
  9. ArchitectureAlso called bird's beak. a pendant molding forming a drip, as on the soffit of a cornice.
  10. [Chiefly Brit. Slang.]
    • British Termsa judge;
    • British Termsa schoolmaster.
  • Gaulish
  • Latin beccus
  • Old French
  • Middle English bec 1175–1225
beaked  (bēkt, bēkid),USA pronunciation adj.  beakless, adj. 
beaklike′, adj. 
beaky, adj. 





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