

单词 sharps

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
sharp /ʃɑrp/USA pronunciation   adj., -er, -est, adv., n. 
  1. having a thin cutting edge or a fine point for cutting or piercing:a sharp knife.
  2. ending in an edge or point:sharp corners.
  3. involving a sudden change in direction:a sharp curve in the road.
  4. clearly defined;
    distinct:a sharp contrast between black and white.
  5. biting in taste:a sharp cheese.
  6. piercing in sound:a sharp cry.
  7. keenly cold, such as weather:a sharp, biting wind.
  8. felt strongly;
    intense:a sharp pain in his arm.
  9. harsh;
    quick and angry:some sharp words about your behavior.
  10. alert or vigilant:Keep a sharp watch.
  11. mentally quick;
    keen:a sharp lad.
  12. shrewd or clever:a sharp bargainer.
  13. shrewd to the point of dishonesty:sharp practice.
  14. [Music.]
    • (of a tone) raised a half step in pitch:F sharp.
    • above an intended pitch, as a note;
      too high (opposed to flat ).
  15. [Informal.]very stylish:a sharp dresser.

  1. keenly, carefully, or alertly:to look sharp.
  2. abruptly or suddenly:turned sharp and ran.
  3. punctually;
    exactly at (a certain time):one o'clock sharp.
  4. [Music.]above the true pitch:to sing sharp.

n. [countable]
  1. sharper.
  2. [Music.]
    • a tone one half step above a given tone.
    • (in musical notation) the symbol ♯ indicating this.
sharp•ly, adv.: spoke sharply to the dog.
sharp•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
Sharps  (shärps),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Militarya single-shot, lever-action breechloader rifle patented in the U.S. in 1848 and adopted by the U.S. military in the 1850s.
  • after Christian Sharps (1811–74), U.south, southern. gunsmith, who invented it

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
sharp  (shärp),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, v., adv., n. 
    1. having a thin cutting edge or a fine point;
      well-adapted for cutting or piercing:a sharp knife.
    2. terminating in an edge or point;
      not blunt or rounded:The table had sharp corners.
    3. involving a sudden or abrupt change in direction or course:a sharp curve in the road; The car made a sharp turn.
    4. abrupt, as an ascent:a sharp drop.
    5. consisting of angular lines and pointed forms or of thin, long features:He had a sharp face.
    6. clearly defined;
      distinct:a sharp photographic image.
    7. distinct or marked, as a contrast:sharp differences of opinion.
    8. pungent or biting in taste:a sharp cheese.
    9. piercing or shrill in sound:a sharp cry.
    10. keenly cold, as weather:a sharp, biting wind.
    11. felt acutely;
      distressing:sharp pain.
    12. merciless, caustic, or harsh:sharp words.
    13. fierce or violent:a sharp struggle.
    14. keen or eager:sharp desire.
    15. quick, brisk, or spirited.
    16. alert or vigilant:They kept a sharp watch for the enemy.
    17. mentally acute:a sharp lad.
    18. extremely sensitive or responsive;
      keen:sharp vision; sharp hearing.
    19. shrewd or astute:a sharp bargainer.
    20. shrewd to the point of dishonesty:sharp practice.
    21. [Music.]
      • (of a tone) raised a chromatic half step in pitch:F sharp.
      • above an intended pitch, as a note;
        too high (opposed to flat).
    22. [Informal.]very stylish:a sharp dresser; a sharp jacket.
    23. [Radio, Electronics.]of, relating to, or responsive to a very narrow range of frequencies. Cf. broadband. 
    24. [Phonet.]fortis;
    25. composed of hard, angular grains, as sand.

    1. [Music.]to raise in pitch, esp. by one chromatic half step.

    1. to sound above the true pitch.

    1. keenly or acutely.
    2. abruptly or suddenly:to pull a horse up sharp.
    3. punctually:Meet me at one o'clock sharp.
    4. vigilantly.
    5. briskly;
    6. [Music.]above the true pitch:You're singing a little sharp.

    1. something sharp.
    2. ClothingUsually, sharps. a medium-length needle with a rounded eye and a sharp point, used for all-purpose hand sewing.
    3. a sharper.
    4. [Informal.]an expert.
    5. [Music.]
      • a tone one chromatic half step above a given tone.
      • (in musical notation) the symbol ♯ indicating this.
    • bef. 900; (adjective, adjectival) Middle English; Old English scearp; cognate with German scharf; akin to Irish cearb a cut (noun, nominal), keen (adjective, adjectival); (adverb, adverbial) Middle English; Old English scearpe, derivative of the adjective, adjectival; (noun, nominal) Middle English, derivative of the adjective, adjectival; (verb, verbal) derivative of the adjective, adjectival
    sharply, adv. 
    sharpness, n. 
      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Sharp, keen refer to the edge or point of an instrument, tool, and the like. Sharp applies, in general, to a cutting edge or a point capable of piercing:a sharp knife; a sharp point.Keen is usually applied to sharp edges:a keen sword blade.
      • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged clear.
      • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged acrid, bitter, piquant, sour.
      • 10.See corresponding entry in Unabridged piercing, nipping, biting.
      • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged severe, excruciating.
      • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged unmerciful, cutting, acid, acrimonious, pointed, biting.
      • 16.See corresponding entry in Unabridged attentive.
      • 17.See corresponding entry in Unabridged clever, discriminating, discerning, perspicacious. As applied to mental qualities, sharp, keen, intelligent, quick have varying implications. Sharp suggests an acute, sensitive, alert, penetrating quality:a sharp mind.Keen implies observant, incisive, and vigorous:a keen intellect.Intelligent means not only acute, alert, and active, but also able to reason and understand:an intelligent reader.Quick suggests lively and rapid comprehension, prompt response to instruction, and the like:quick at figures.
      • 20.See corresponding entry in Unabridged shady, deceitful.
      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged dull.

Sharp  (shärp),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Biographical William ("Fiona Macleod''), 1855–?1905, Scottish poet and critic.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
sharp /ʃɑːp/ adj
  1. having a keen edge suitable for cutting
  2. having an edge or point; not rounded or blunt
  3. involving a sudden change, esp in direction: a sharp bend
  4. moving, acting, or reacting quickly, efficiently, etc: sharp reflexes
  5. clearly defined
  6. mentally acute; clever; astute
  7. sly or artful; clever in an underhand way: sharp practice
  8. bitter or harsh: sharp words
  9. shrill or penetrating: a sharp cry
  10. having an acrid taste
  11. keen; biting: a sharp wind, sharp pain
  12. (immediately postpositive) denoting a note that has been raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone: B sharp
  13. (of an instrument, voice, etc) out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitch
    Compare flat1
  14. informal stylish
  15. too smart
  16. at the sharp endinvolved in the area of any activity where there is most difficulty, competition, danger, etc
  1. in a sharp manner
  2. exactly: six o'clock sharp
  3. higher than a standard pitch
  4. out of tune by being or tending to be too high in pitch: she sings sharp
    Compare flat1
  1. an accidental that raises the pitch of the following note by one chromatic semitone
    Usual symbol:
  2. a note affected by this accidental
    Compare flat1
  3. a thin needle with a sharp point
  4. informal a sharper
  1. (transitive) US Canadian to raise the pitch of (a note), esp by one chromatic semitone
    Usual equivalent in Britain and certain other countries): sharpen
Etymology: Old English scearp; related to Old Norse skarpr, Old High German scarpf, Old Irish cerb, Lettish skarbs

ˈsharply adv ˈsharpness n




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