

单词 sewn

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
sewn  (sōn),USA pronunciation v. 
  1. a pp. of sew 1.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
sewn /səʊn/ vb
  1. a past participle of sew
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
sew1 /soʊ/USA pronunciation   v., sewed, sewn/soʊn/USA pronunciation   or sewed, sew•ing. 
  1. Clothingto join or attach (one or more things) by stitches: [+ object]He sewed a button on his shirt.[no object]I learned how to sew at an early age.
  2. Informal Terms sew up, [+ up + object]to accomplish or control successfully:to sew up a deal; to sew up enough votes for an early nomination.
sew•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
sew1  (sō),USA pronunciation v., sewed, sewn or sewed, sew•ing. 
  1. Clothingto join or attach by stitches.
  2. Clothingto make, repair, etc., (a garment) by such means.
  3. Clothingto enclose or secure with stitches:to sew flour in a bag.
  4. Clothingto close (a hole, wound, etc.) by means of stitches (usually fol. by up).

  1. Clothingto work with a needle and thread or with a sewing machine.
  2. sew up:
    • Informal Termsto get or have a monopoly of;
      control exclusively.
    • Informal Termsto complete or conclude (arrangements, negotiations, etc.) successfully:They were about to sew up the deal when the argument started.
    • to gain or be assured of:He tried to sew up as many votes as possible before the convention.
  • bef. 900; Middle English sewen, Old English siw(i)an; cognate with Old High German siuwan, Gothic siujan, Latin suere (see suture); akin to seam
sewa•ble, adj., n. 

sew2  (so̅o̅),USA pronunciation v., sewed, sew•ing, n. [Naut.]
  1. to ground (a vessel) at low tide (sometimes fol by up).

  1. (of a vessel) to be grounded at low tide.

  1. the amount of additional water necessary to float a grounded vessel.
  • Vulgar Latin *exaquāre, equivalent. to Latin ex- ex-1 + aqu(a) water + -āre infinitive suffix
  • Middle French sewer, aphetic variant of essewer
  • 1505–15

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
sew /səʊ/ vb (sews, sewing, sewed, sewn, sewed)
  1. to join or decorate (pieces of fabric, etc) by means of a thread repeatedly passed through with a needle or similar implement
  2. (tr; often followed by on or up) to attach, fasten, or close by sewing
  3. (transitive) to make (a garment, etc) by sewing

See also sew upEtymology: Old English sēowan; related to Old Norse sӯja, Gothic siujan, Old High German siuwen, Latin suere to sew, Sanskrit sīvjati he sews




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