

单词 servileness

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ser•vile /ˈsɜrvɪl, -vaɪl/USA pronunciation   adj. 
  1. obeying like a slave:the dictator's servile flatterers.
  2. of or relating to slaves, slavery, servants, or servitude.
ser•vil•i•ty /sərˈvɪlɪti/USA pronunciation  n. [uncountable]See -serv-1.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ser•vile  (sûrvil, -vīl),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. slavishly submissive or obsequious;
    fawning:servile flatterers.
  2. characteristic of, proper to, or customary for slaves;
    abject:servile obedience.
  3. yielding slavishly;
    truckling (usually fol. by to).
  4. extremely imitative, esp. in the arts;
    lacking in originality.
  5. being in slavery;
  6. of, pertaining to, or involving slaves or servants.
  7. of or pertaining to a condition of servitude or property ownership in which a person is held as a slave or as partially enslaved:medieval rebellions against servile laws.
  • Latin servīlis, equivalent. to serv- (stem of servīre to be a slave) + -īlis -ile
  • Middle English 1350–1400
servile•ly, adv. 
ser•vili•ty, servile•ness, n. 
    • 1, 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged cringing, sycophantic. Servile, menial, obsequious, slavish characterize one who behaves like a slave or an inferior. Servile suggests cringing, fawning, and abject submission:servile responses to questions.Menial applies to that which is considered undesirable drudgery:the most menial tasks.Obsequious implies the ostentatious subordination of oneself to the wishes of another, either from fear or from hope of gain:an obsequious waiter.Slavish stresses the dependence and labori-ous toil of one who follows or obeys without question:slavish attentiveness to orders.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged mean, base, low.
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged aggressive.
    • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged exalted.





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