

单词 salt away

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
salt away, (less commonly)salt down vb
  1. (tr, adverb) to hoard or save (money, valuables, etc)
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
salt1 /sɔlt/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. Mineralogy[uncountable] a white, crystal-like compound, sodium chloride, used for seasoning and preserving food.
  2. Chemistry[countable] a chemical compound formed by combining an acid and a base.
  3. Informal Terms[countable] a sailor, esp. an old or experienced one.

v. [~ + obj ]
  1. to season or preserve (food) with salt.
  2. to spread salt on so as to melt snow or ice:salting the highways.
  3. salt away, to save (money) for future use: [~  + away + object]salted away a few thousand dollars for an emergency.[+ object + away]salted some money away years ago.

adj. [before a noun]
  1. tasting of or containing salt:salt water.
  2. preserved with salt:salt cod.
  1. Idioms take (something) with a grain or pinch of salt, [ take + obj + with a grain/pinch of + ~ ] to be somewhat skeptical about:claimed to have made a million dollars in profits, but I'd take that figure with a grain of salt.
  2. Idioms worth one's salt, [uncountable] deserving of one's wages or salary.

salt•ed, adj. 

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
salt1  (sôlt),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Mineralogya crystalline compound, sodium chloride, NaCl, occurring as a mineral, a constituent of seawater, etc., and used for seasoning food, as a preservative, etc.
  2. Foodtable salt mixed with a particular herb or seasoning for which it is named:garlic salt; celery salt.
  3. Chemistryany of a class of compounds formed by the replacement of one or more hydrogen atoms of an acid with elements or groups, which are composed of anions and cations, and which usually ionize in solution;
    a product formed by the neutralization of an acid by a base.
  4. Drugs salts, any of various salts used as purgatives, as Epsom salts.
  5. an element that gives liveliness, piquancy, or pungency:Anecdotes are the salt of his narrative.
  6. wit;
  7. a small, usually open dish, as of silver or glass, used on the table for holding salt.
  8. Informal Termsa sailor, esp. an old or experienced one.
  9. Idioms with a grain of salt, with reserve or allowance;
    with an attitude of skepticism:Diplomats took the reports of an impending crisis with a grain of salt.
  10. Idioms worth one's salt, deserving of one's wages or salary:We couldn't find an assistant worth her salt.

  1. to season with salt.
  2. to cure, preserve, or treat with salt.
  3. to furnish with salt:to salt cattle.
  4. Chemistryto treat with common salt or with any chemical salt.
  5. to spread salt, esp. rock salt, on so as to melt snow or ice:The highway department salted the roads after the storm.
  6. Miningto introduce rich ore or other valuable matter fraudulently into (a mine, the ground, a mineral sample, etc.) to create a false impression of value.
  7. to add interest or excitement to:a novel salted with witty dialogue.
  8. salt away:
    • Also, salt down. to preserve by adding quantities of salt to, as meat.
    • [Informal.]to keep in reserve;
      store away;
      save:to salt away most of one's earnings.
  9. Chemistry salt out, to separate (a dissolved substance) from a solution by the addition of a salt, esp. common salt.

  1. containing salt;
    having the taste of salt:salt water.
  2. cured or preserved with salt:salt cod.
  3. inundated by or growing in salt water:salt marsh.
  4. Psychologyproducing the one of the four basic taste sensations that is not sweet, sour, or bitter.
  5. pungent or sharp:salt speech.
  • bef. 900; (noun, nominal and adjective, adjectival) Middle English; Old English sealt; cognate with German Salz, Old Norse, Gothic salt; akin to Latin sāl, Greek háls (see halo-); (verb, verbal) Middle English salten, Old English s(e)altan; compare Old High German salzan, Old Norse salta, Dutch zouten; see salary
saltlike′, adj. 
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged flavor, savor.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See sailor. 

salt2  (sôlt),USA pronunciation adj. [Obs.]
  1. lustful;
  • Latin saltus a jump, equivalent. to sal(īre) to jump + -tus suffix of verb, verbal action
  • Middle French a saut on the jump; saut
  • aphetic variant of assaut, Middle English a sawt 1535–45

SALT  (sôlt),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. GovernmentSee Strategic Arms Limitation Talks. 





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