

单词 rover

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
rov•er1  (rōvər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a person who roves;
  2. Sport[Archery.]
    • a mark selected at random, as in a competition between two archers wandering over a specified area.
    • one of a group of fixed marks at a long distance.
    • an archer who shoots at such a mark.
  3. Sport[Croquet.]a ball that has been driven through all the arches and needs only to strike the last peg to be out of the game.
  4. British Terms
    • (at concerts or the like) a person who has a ticket for standing room only.
    • a senior boy scout, 18 years of age or older.
  • rove1 + -er1 1490–1500

rov•er2  (rōvər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Nautical, Naval Termsa pirate.
  2. Nautical, Naval Terms[Obs.]a pirate ship.
  • Middle Dutch or Middle Low German: robber, equivalent. to roven to rob, reave1 + -er -er1
  • Middle English 1350–1400

rov•er3  (rōvər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Buildinga roving or routing machine.
  2. a roving-machine operator.
  • rove3 + -er1 1735–45

Ro•ver  (rōvər),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a familiar name for a dog.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
rover /ˈrəʊvə/ n
  1. a person who roves; wanderer
  2. a mark selected at random for use as a target
  3. one of the three players in the ruck, usually smaller than the other two, selected for his agility in play
Etymology: 15th Century: from rove1
rover /ˈrəʊvə/ n
  1. a pirate or pirate ship
Etymology: 14th Century: probably from Middle Dutch or Middle Low German, from roven to rob
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
rove1 /roʊv/USA pronunciation   v., roved, rov•ing. 
  1. to move here and there at random: [+ object]to rove the subways, looking for victims.[no object]to rove in the woods.
rov•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
rove1 (rōv),USA pronunciation  v., roved, rov•ing, n. 

    1. to wander about without definite destination;
      move hither and thither at random, esp. over a wide area.

    1. to wander over or through;
      traverse:to rove the woods.

    1. an act or instance of roving.
    • Scandinavian; compare Old Norse rāfa to stray; but compare also Old French raver to roam
    • 1490–1500; origin, originally, to shoot at a random target; perh.
      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stroll, amble, stray. See roam. 

    rove2 (rōv),USA pronunciation v. 
    1. a pt. and pp. of reeve 2.

    rove3 (rōv),USA pronunciation  v., roved, rov•ing, n. 

      1. Textilesto form (slivers of wool, cotton, etc.) into slightly twisted strands in a preparatory process of spinning.
      2. Textilesto draw fibers or the like through an eye or other small opening.
      3. Textilesto attenuate, compress, and twist slightly in carding.

      1. British Termsroving2.
      • of obscure origin, originally 1780–90

      Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
      Rover, Rover Scout /ˈrəʊvə/ n
      1. Brit
        the former name for Venture Scout




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