

单词 round

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
round1 /raʊnd/USA pronunciation   adj., -er, -est, n., adv., prep., v. 
  1. having a flat, circular form, such as a disk or hoop:The round moon shone down from the sky.
  2. shaped like a ball or globe:The earth is round.
  3. shaped like a long tube;
    cylindrical:a round smokestack.
  4. made of or having full, curved lines:He had a round face and round cheeks.
  5. full or complete:[before a noun]a round dozen.
  6. Mathematics expressed to the nearest multiple or power of ten:[before a noun]In round numbers, the house cost $350,000.

n. [countable]
  1. a complete course or series, one following the other:The next round of peace talks was held in Geneva.
  2. Often, rounds. [plural] a going around from place to place, as in a definite direction:The doctor made her rounds in the children's hospital.
  3. a completed spell of activity in games or sport:a round of bridge.
  4. a single outburst, as of cheers:a round of applause.
  5. a firing of, or a piece of ammunition for, a gun, etc.:fired a few rounds at the enemy.
  6. a single serving, esp. of drink, to everyone present:bought the next round of drinks.
  7. Music and Dancea short piece of music in which different voices or instruments begin the melody at different times.

  1. from the beginning to the end of a period of time:We can go camping there all year round.
  2. Also, 'round. around.

  1. throughout (a period of time):a resort visited round the year.
  2. around:It happened round noon.

  1. to bring to completeness;
    finish: [+ object]to round one's speech with a quotation from Samuel Johnson.[+ off/out + object]You need to round off your essay with a strong conclusion.[+ object + off/out]to round the essay out.
  2. to make a circuit around or to the other side of:[+ object]The car rounded the corner.
  3. to turn on an axis:[no object]He rounded suddenly on his heels and faced her.
  4. [+ object] to make a complete circuit of;
    pass around.
  5. Phoneticsto (cause to) become somewhat round: [+ object]He rounded his lips and tried to whistle.[no object]Her eyes rounded in amazement.
  6. Mathematicsto express (an amount) as a number, esp. to replace it by the nearest multiple of 10: [+ object]Round your answer to the nearest ten's number.[+ off + object]You can round off 15,837 to 15,840.[+ object + off]to round it off.
  7. round out, [no object] to become rounder or more full in shape:As she grew older she rounded out from the skinny tomboy she had been.
  8. round up:
    • Animal Husbandryto drive or bring (cattle, etc.) together: [+ up + object]to round up the cattle.[+ object + up]Go and round the cattle up.
    • to assemble;
      gather: [+ up + object]Round up the likeliest suspects.[+ object + up]to round the evidence up.
  1. Idioms in the round:
    • , Show Business, Idioms(of a theater) having a stage surrounded by the audience.
    • Idiomsin complete detail;
      from all aspects.
  2. Idioms make the rounds:
    • to go from one place to another, as in looking for work or a job:She made the usual rounds but found nothing.
    • Also, go the rounds. (of a rumor, story, etc.) to spread from one person to another:the latest theory making the rounds.

round•ish, adj. 
round•ness, n. [uncountable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
round1  (round),USA pronunciation adj., -er, -est, n., adv., prep., v. 
  1. having a flat, circular surface, as a disk.
  2. ring-shaped, as a hoop.
  3. curved like part of a circle, as an outline.
  4. having a circular cross section, as a cylinder;
  5. spherical or globular, as a ball.
  6. shaped more or less like a part of a sphere;
  7. free from angularity;
    consisting of full, curved lines or shapes, as handwriting or parts of the body.
  8. executed with or involving circular motion.
  9. full, complete, or entire:a round dozen.
  10. Mathematicsnoting, formed, or expressed by an integer or whole number with no fraction.
  11. Mathematicsexpressed, given, or exact to the nearest multiple or power of ten;
    in tens, hundreds, thousands, or the like:in round numbers.
  12. roughly correct;
    approximate:a round guess.
  13. considerable in amount;
    ample:a round sum of money.
  14. brought to completeness or perfection.
  15. full and sonorous, as sound.
  16. vigorous or brisk:a round trot.
  17. straightforward, plain, or candid;
    outspoken:a round scolding.
  18. positive or unqualified:a round assertion.

  1. any round shape, as a circle, ring or sphere.
  2. a circular, ring-shaped, curved, or spherical object;
    a rounded form.
  3. something circular in cross section, as a rung of a ladder or chair.
  4. Sometimes, rounds. a completed course of time, series of events or operations, etc., ending at a point corresponding to that at the beginning:We waited through the round of many years.
  5. any complete course, series, or succession:The strike was settled after a long round of talks; a round of parties.
  6. Often, rounds. a going around from place to place, as in a habitual or definite circuit:a doctor's rounds.
  7. a completed course or spell of activity, commonly one of a series, in some play or sport:the second round of a tournament.
  8. a recurring period of time, succession of events, duties, etc.:the daily round.
  9. an entire range:the round of human capabilities.
  10. a single outburst, as of applause or cheers.
  11. a single discharge of shot by each of a number of guns, rifles, etc.
  12. a single discharge by one firearm.
  13. a charge of ammunition for a single shot.
  14. a single serving, esp. of drink, made more or less simultaneously to everyone present, as at table or at a bar:The next round is on me.
  15. Music and DanceSee round dance. 
  16. movement in a circle or around an axis.
  17. Food[Cookery.]
    • Also, round of beef. the portion of the thigh of beef below the rump and above the leg. See diag. under beef. 
    • Informal TermsSee round steak. 
  18. a slice, as of bread.
  19. Sport[Archery.]a specified number of arrows shot from a specified distance from the target in accordance with the rules.
  20. Sportone of a series of three-minute periods making up a boxing match:a 15-round bout.
  21. Music and Dance
    • a short, rhythmical canon at the unison, in which the several voices enter at equally spaced intervals of time.
    • rounds, the order followed in ringing a peal of bells in diatonic sequence from the highest to the lowest.
  22. Sport[Golf.]a playing of the complete course.
  23. Games[Cards.]a division of play in a game, consisting of a turn each for every player to bid, bet, play a card, deal the cards, or be dealt cards.
  24. in the round:
    • Show Business(of a theater) having a stage completely surrounded by seats for the audience.
    • Show Businessin the style of theater-in-the-round:The play should be done in the round.
    • in complete detail;
      from all aspects:a character as seen in the round.
    • Fine Art(of sculpture) not attached to a supporting background;
  25. make the rounds:
    • to go from one place to another, as in making deliveries, paying social visits, or seeking employment.
    • Also, go the rounds. to be reported or told;
      circulate:another rumor making the rounds.

  1. throughout or from the beginning to the end of a recurring period of time:all year round.
  2. Also, 'round. around:The music goes round and round.

  1. throughout (a period of time):a resort visited all round the year.
  2. around:It happened round noon.

  1. to make round.
  2. to free from angularity;
    fill out symmetrically;
    make plump.
  3. to bring to completeness or perfection;
  4. Jewelryto form (a gem) roughly (sometimes fol. by up);
  5. to end (a sentence, paragraph, etc.) with something specified:He rounded his speech with a particularly apt quotation.
  6. to encircle or surround.
  7. to make a complete circuit of;
    pass completely around.
  8. to make a turn or partial circuit around or to the other side of:to round a corner.
  9. to cause to move in a circle;
    turn around.
  10. Phonetics
    • to make the opening at (the lips) relatively round or pursed during an utterance.
    • to pronounce (a speech sound, esp. a vowel) with rounded lips;
    • to contract (the lips) laterally. Cf. spread (def. 14), unround. 
  11. Mathematicsto replace by the nearest multiple of 10, with 5 being increased to the next highest multiple: 15,837 can be rounded to 15,840;
    then to 15,800;
    then to 16,000.

  1. to become round.
  2. to become free from angularity;
    become plump.
  3. to develop to completeness or perfection.
  4. to take a circular course;
    make a circuit, as a guard.
  5. to make a turn or partial circuit around something.
  6. to turn around as on an axis:to round on one's heels.
  7. Mathematicsto reduce successively the number of digits to the right of the decimal point of a mixed number by dropping the final digit and adding 1 to the next preceding digit if the dropped digit was 5 or greater, or leaving the preceding digit unchanged if the dropped digit was 4 or less.
  8. round off:
    • to complete or perfect;
    • Mathematicsto express as a round number, usually to the nearest multiple of 10.
  9. round out:
    • to complete or perfect:The new coin rounded out his collection.
    • to fill out;
      become rounder:She rounded out so nicely that everyone soon forgot she had been so ill.
  10. Naval Terms round to, [Naut.]to turn a sailing vessel in the direction from which the wind is blowing.
  11. round up:
    • Animal Husbandryto drive or bring (cattle, sheep, etc.) together.
    • to assemble;
      gather:to round up all the suspects in an investigation.
  • Old French rond, ronde (derivative of ront); (verb, verbal) Middle English, derivative of the adjective, adjectival; (adverb, adverbial and preposition) Middle English, apparently aphetic variant of around
  • Latin rotundus round, circular (see rotund); (noun, nominal) Middle English, partly derivative of the adjective, adjectival, partly
  • Old French, stem of ront, earlier reont
  • (adjective, adjectival) Middle English rond, round 1250–1300
roundness, n. 
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged whole, unbroken.
    • 20.See corresponding entry in Unabridged cylinder.
    • 22.See corresponding entry in Unabridged cycle, revolution, period.
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged angular.

round2  (round),USA pronunciation v.t., v.i. [Archaic.]
  1. to whisper.
  • Middle English rounen, Old English rūnian, derivative of rūn a secret, rune1 bef. 1000

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
round /raʊnd/ adj
  1. having a flat circular shape, as a disc or hoop
  2. having the shape of a sphere or ball
  3. curved; not angular
  4. involving or using circular motion
  5. (prenominal) complete; entire: a round dozen
  6. forming or expressed by an integer or whole number, with no fraction
  7. expressed to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand: in round figures
  8. (of a sum of money) considerable; ample
  9. fully depicted or developed, as a character in a book
  10. full and plump: round cheeks
  11. (of sound) full and sonorous
  12. (of pace) brisk; lively
  13. (prenominal) (of speech) candid; straightforward; unmodified: a round assertion
  14. (of a vowel) pronounced with rounded lips
  1. a round shape or object
  2. in the roundin full detail
  3. with the audience all round the stage
  4. a session, as of a negotiation: a round of talks
  5. a series, cycle, or sequence: a giddy round of parties
  6. the daily roundthe usual activities of one's day
  7. a stage of a competition: he was eliminated in the first round
  8. (often plural) a series of calls, esp in a set order: a doctor's rounds, a milkman's round
  9. a playing of all the holes on a golf course
  10. a single turn of play by each player, as in a card game
  11. one of a number of periods constituting a boxing, wrestling, or other match, each usually lasting three minutes
  12. a single discharge by a number of guns or a single gun
  13. a bullet, blank cartridge, or other charge of ammunition
  14. a number of drinks bought at one time for a group of people
  15. a single slice of bread or toast or two slices making a single serving of sandwiches
  16. a general outburst of applause, cheering, etc
  17. movement in a circle or around an axis
  18. a part song in which the voices follow each other at equal intervals at the same pitch
  19. a sequence of bells rung in order of treble to tenor
  20. a cut of beef from the thigh between the rump and the shank
  21. go the rounds, make the roundsto go from place to place, as in making deliveries or social calls
  22. (of information, rumour, etc) to be passed around, so as to be generally known
  1. surrounding, encircling, or enclosing: a band round her head
  2. on all or most sides of: to look round one
  3. on or outside the circumference or perimeter of
  4. from place to place in: driving round Ireland
  5. reached by making a partial circuit about something: the shop round the corner
  6. revolving round a centre or axis: the earth's motion round its axis
  1. on all or most sides
  2. on or outside the circumference or perimeter: the racing track is two miles round
  3. to all members of a group: pass the food round
  4. in rotation or revolution: the wheels turn round
  5. by a circuitous route: the road to the farm goes round by the pond
  6. to a specific place: she came round to see me
  7. all year roundthroughout the year; in every month
  1. to make or become round
  2. (transitive) to encircle; surround
  3. to move or cause to move with circular motion: to round a bend
  4. (transitive) to pronounce (a speech sound) with rounded lips
  5. to purse (the lips)

See also round down, round off, round on, round upEtymology: 13th Century: from Old French ront, from Latin rotundus round, from rota a wheel

ˈroundness n USAGE





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