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WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024rep•re•sen•ta•tion•al•ism (rep′ri zen tā′shə nl iz′əm, -zən-),USA pronunciation n. - PhilosophyAlso called represen′tative re′alism. [Epistemology.]the view that the objects of perception are ideas or sense data that represent external objects, esp. the Lockean doctrine that the perceived idea represents exactly the primary qualities of the external object.
- Fine Artthe practice or principle of representing or depicting an object in a recognizable manner, esp. the portrayal of the surface characteristics of an object as they appear to the eye.
- representational + -ism 1895–1900
rep′re•sen•ta′tion•al•ist, n. rep′re•sen•ta′tion•al•is′tic, adj. |