

单词 reductive

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
re•duc•tive  (ri duktiv),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. of, pertaining to, characterized by, or producing reduction or abridgment:an urgent need for reductive measures.
  2. of or pertaining to change from one form to another.
  3. of, pertaining to, or employing reductionism;

  1. something causing or inducing a reductive process.
  • reduct(ion) + -ive 1625–35
re•ductive•ly, adv. 
re•ductive•ness, n. 

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
re•duce /rɪˈdus, -ˈdyus/USA pronunciation   v. [+ object], -duced, -duc•ing. 
  1. to bring down to a smaller size, amount, price, etc.:reduced her weight by ten pounds.
  2. to lower in degree, intensity, etc.:reduced the speed of the car.
  3. to treat (something complicated) by analyzing smaller parts:reduced the problem to its essentials.
  4. to act in a destructive manner upon (a substance or object):Their house was reduced to ashes by the fire.
  5. to break down into:[+ object + to + object]The criticism reduced him to tears.
  6. to change the figures or form, but not the value, of (a fraction, polynomial, etc.):Six-eighths reduced to lowest terms is three-fourths.
re•duc•tive /rɪˈdʌktɪv/USA pronunciation  adj. See -duc-.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
re•duce  (ri do̅o̅s, -dyo̅o̅s),USA pronunciation v., -duced, -duc•ing. 
  1. to bring down to a smaller extent, size, amount, number, etc.:to reduce one's weight by 10 pounds.
  2. to lower in degree, intensity, etc.:to reduce the speed of a car.
  3. to bring down to a lower rank, dignity, etc.:a sergeant reduced to a corporal
  4. to treat analytically, as a complex idea.
  5. to lower in price.
  6. to bring to a certain state, condition, arrangement, etc.:to reduce glass to powder.
  7. to bring under control or authority.
  8. [Cookery.]to evaporate water from (a sauce, soup, or other liquid), usually by boiling.
  9. [Photog.]to lessen the density of (an exposed negative).
  10. to adjust or correct by making allowances, as an astronomical observation.
  11. [Math.]to change the denomination or form, but not the value, of (a fraction, polynomial, etc.).
  12. [Chem.]
    • to add electrons to.
    • to deoxidize.
    • to add hydrogen to.
    • to change (a compound) so that the valence of the positive element is lower.
  13. [Chem., Metall.]to bring into the metallic state by separating from nonmetallic constituents.
  14. to thin or dilute:to reduce paint with oil or turpentine.
  15. to lower the alcoholic concentration of (spirits) by diluting with water.
  16. [Surg.]to restore to the normal place, relation, or condition, as a fractured bone.
  17. Phoneticsto modify the quality of (a speech sound) to one of lesser distinctiveness, esp. to pronounce (an unstressed vowel) as (ə) or another centralized vowel, as in the unstressed syllables of medicinal.

  1. to become reduced.
  2. to become lessened, esp. in weight.
  3. to be turned into or made to equal something:All our difficulties reduce to financial problems.
  4. [Cell Biol.]to undergo meiosis.
  • Latin redūcere to lead back, bring back, equivalent. to re- re- + dūcere to lead
  • Middle English reducen to lead back 1325–75
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged diminish, decrease, shorten, abridge, curtail, contract, retrench.
    • 1, 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged lessen, attenuate, abate.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged degrade, demote, humble.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged subdue, subjugate, conquer, subject, vanquish, overcome, overpower.
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged increase.
    • 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged elevate, exalt.





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