

单词 puddling

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
pud•dling  (pudling),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. the act of a person or thing that puddles.
  2. Metallurgythe act or process of melting pig iron in a reverberatory furnace (puddling fur′nace) and converting it into wrought iron.
  3. the act or method of making puddle.
  4. puddle (def. 3).
  • puddle + -ing1 1750–60

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
puddling /ˈpʌdlɪŋ/ n
  1. a process for converting pig iron into wrought iron by heating it with ferric oxide in a furnace to oxidize the carbon
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
pud•dle /ˈpʌdəl/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. a small pool of water, as of rainwater on the ground.
  2. a small pool of any liquid:a puddle of black oil under the car.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
pud•dle  (pudl),USA pronunciation n., v., -dled, -dling. 
  1. a small pool of water, as of rainwater on the ground.
  2. a small pool of any liquid.
  3. Civil Engineeringclay or the like mixed with water and tempered, used as a waterproof lining for the walls of canals, ditches, etc.

  1. to mark or scatter with puddles.
  2. to wet with dirty water, mud, etc.
  3. to make (water) muddy or dirty.
  4. to muddle or confuse.
  5. Civil Engineeringto make (clay or the like) into puddle.
  6. to cover with pasty clay or puddle.
  7. Metallurgyto subject (molten iron) to the process of puddling.
  8. Agricultureto destroy the granular structure of (soil) by agricultural operations on it when it is too wet.
  9. Botany[Hort.]to dip the roots of (a tree, shrub, etc.) into a thin mixture of loam and water to retard drying out during transplanting.

  1. to wade in a puddle:The children were puddling.
  2. to be or become puddled:The backyard was puddling.
  • 1300–50; (noun, nominal) Middle English puddel, podel, pothel, apparently diminutive of Old English pudd ditch, furrow (akin to Low German pudel puddle); (verb, verbal) late Middle English pothelen, derivative of the noun, nominal
puddler, n. 
puddly, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
puddle /ˈpʌdəl/ n
  1. a small pool of water, esp of rain
  2. a small pool of any liquid
  3. a worked mixture of wet clay and sand that is impervious to water and is used to line a pond or canal
  1. (transitive) to make (clay, etc) into puddle
  2. (transitive) to subject (iron) to puddling
Etymology: 14th Century podel, diminutive of Old English pudd ditch, of obscure origin

ˈpuddler n ˈpuddly adj




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