

单词 provençal

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
Pro•ven•çal  (prō′vən säl, prov′ən-; Fr. prô vän sal),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. Language Varietiesof or pertaining to Provence, its people, or their language.

  1. Language Varietiesa native or inhabitant of Provence.
  2. Language VarietiesAlso called Occitan. a Romance language once widely spoken in southern France, still in use in some rural areas. Abbr.: Pr, Pr., Prov. Cf. langue d'oc. 
  3. Language Varietiesthe dialect of Provençal used in Provence.
  • Latin prōvinciālis provincial. See Provence, -al1
  • Middle French
  • 1580–90

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
Provençal /ˌprɒvɒnˈsɑːl; French: prɔvɑ̃sal/ adj
  1. relating to, denoting, or characteristic of Provence, its inhabitants, their dialect of French, or their Romance language
  1. a language of Provence, closely related to Catalan, French, and Italian, belonging to the Romance group of the Indo-European family. It was important in the Middle Ages as a literary language, and attempts have been made since the 19th century to revive its literary status
  2. a native or inhabitant of Provence




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