

单词 plotful

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
plot /plɑt/USA pronunciation   n., v., plot•ted, plot•ting. 
n. [countable]
  1. a secret plan to accomplish some purpose:a plot to overthrow the government.
  2. Literaturethe main story of a piece of writing, as a novel or movie:The plot is interesting but the characters are boring.
  3. a small piece of ground:a garden plot.

  1. to plan secretly: [+ object]The terrorists were plotting an assassination.[+ to + verb]The terrorists were plotting to assassinate the Pope.[no object]The king didn't know who was plotting against him.
  2. Nautical, Naval Terms[+ object] to mark on a plan, chart, or graph, as the course of a ship or aircraft.
  3. to make (a calculation) by graph:[+ object]His graph plots the losses we expect if the recession continues.
plot•ter, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
plot  (plot),USA pronunciation n., v., plot•ted, plot•ting. 
  1. a secret plan or scheme to accomplish some purpose, esp. a hostile, unlawful, or evil purpose:a plot to overthrow the government.
  2. LiteratureAlso called storyline. the plan, scheme, or main story of a literary or dramatic work, as a play, novel, or short story.
  3. a small piece or area of ground:a garden plot; burial plot.
  4. a measured piece or parcel of land:a house on a two-acre plot.
  5. a plan, map, diagram, or other graphic representation, as of land, a building, etc.
  6. Show Businessa list, timetable, or scheme dealing with any of the various arrangements for the production of a play, motion picture, etc.:According to the property plot, there should be a lamp stage left.
  7. Nautical, Naval Termsa chart showing the course of a craft, as a ship or airplane.
  8. Military[Artillery.]a point or points located on a map or chart:target plot.

  1. to plan secretly, esp. something hostile or evil:to plot mutiny.
  2. Nautical, Naval Termsto mark on a plan, map, or chart, as the course of a ship or aircraft.
  3. to draw a plan or map of, as a tract of land or a building.
  4. to divide (land) into plots.
  5. Mathematicsto determine and mark (points), as on plotting paper, by means of measurements or coordinates.
  6. Mathematicsto draw (a curve) by means of points so marked.
  7. Mathematicsto represent by means of such a curve.
  8. Literatureto devise or construct the plot of (a play, novel, etc.).
  9. Show Businessto prepare a list, timetable, or scheme of (production arrangements), as for a play or motion picture:The stage manager hadn't plotted the set changes until one day before the dress rehearsal.
  10. Mathematicsto make (a calculation) by graph.

  1. to plan or scheme secretly;
    form a plot;
  2. Literature, Show Businessto devise or develop a literary or dramatic plot.
  3. Mathematicsto be marked or located by means of measurements or coordinates, as on plotting paper.
  • bef. 1100; (noun, nominal) of multiple origin, originally: in sense "piece of ground,'' Middle English: small area, patch, stain, piece of ground, Old English: piece of ground (origin, originally obscure); in senses "ground plan, outline, map, scheme,'' variant (since the 16th century) of plat1, itself partly a variant of Middle English, Old English plot; sense "secret plan'' (from 16th century) by association with complot, in pejorative sense; (verb, verbal) derivative of the noun, nominal
plotful, adj. 
plotless, adj. 
plotless•ness, n. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged intrigue, cabal. See conspiracy. 
    • 9.See corresponding entry in Unabridged brew, hatch, frame.
    • 19.See corresponding entry in Unabridged Plot, conspire, scheme imply secret, cunning, and often unscrupulous planning to gain one's own ends. To plot is to contrive a secret plan of a selfish and often treasonable kind:to plot against someone's life.To conspire is to unite with others in an illicit or illegal machination:to conspire to seize agovernment. To scheme is to plan ingeniously, subtly, and often craftily for one's own advantage:to scheme how to gain power.





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