

单词 planlessly

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
plan /plæn/USA pronunciation   n., v., planned, plan•ning. 
n. [countable]
  1. a way, idea, or method of acting, proceeding, etc., developed in advance:a battle plan.
  2. a design or arrangement:a seating plan.
  3. Buildinga drawing made to represent the top view or a side view of a structure or a machine, as a floor layout of a building.
  4. an outline, diagram, or sketch:He drew a quick plan of the bank vault.
  5. a program providing for specified benefits, etc.:a pension plan.

  1. to put together a plan or scheme for:[+ object]The city wants to plan a new park.
  2. to make plans for: [+ object]We had already planned our vacation for that week.[no object]It was time to plan for retirement.
  3. Building[+ object] to draw or make a plan of, as a building.
  4. to have in mind as an intention: [+ object]What are you planning for her retirement party?[+ to + verb]I planned to be there on time.[+ on + verb-ing]I hadn't planned on seeing you today.
plan•ner, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
plan  (plan),USA pronunciation n., v., planned, plan•ning. 
  1. a scheme or method of acting, doing, proceeding, making, etc., developed in advance:battle plans.
  2. a design or scheme of arrangement:an elaborate plan for seating guests.
  3. a specific project or definite purpose:plans for the future.
  4. BuildingAlso called plan view. a drawing made to scale to represent the top view or a horizontal section of a structure or a machine, as a floor layout of a building.
  5. a representation of a thing drawn on a plane, as a map or diagram:a plan of the dock area.
  6. (in perspective drawing) one of several planes in front of a represented object, and perpendicular to the line between the object and the eye.
  7. a formal program for specified benefits, needs, etc.:a pension plan.

  1. to arrange a method or scheme beforehand for (any work, enterprise, or proceeding):to plan a new recreation center.
  2. to make plans for:to plan one's vacation.
  3. Buildingto draw or make a diagram or layout of, as a building.

  1. to make plans:to plan ahead; to plan for one's retirement.
  • French: ground, plan, groundwork, scheme, noun, nominal use of the adjective, adjectival: flat, plane1, learned borrowing of Latin plānus level (compare plain1)
  • 1670–80
planless, adj. 
planless•ly, adv. 
planless•ness, n. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged plot, formula, system. Plan, project, design, scheme imply a formulated method of doing something. Plan refers to any method of thinking out acts and purposes beforehand:What are your plans for today?A project is a proposed or tentative plan, often elaborate or extensive:an irrigation project.Design suggests art, dexterity, or craft (sometimes evil and selfish) in the elaboration or execution of a plan, and often tends to emphasize the purpose in view:a misunderstanding brought about by design.A scheme is apt to be either a speculative, possibly impracticable, plan, or a selfish or dishonest one:a scheme to swindle someone.
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged sketch, draft, diagram, chart.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged design, devise, plot.

  1. var. of plano- 1 before a vowel:planate.





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