

单词 pipelining

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
pipe•lin•ing  (pīplī′ning),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Civil Engineeringthe act, technique, or business of installing pipelines.
  • pipeline + -ing1 1885–90

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
pipe•line /ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/USA pronunciation  n. [countable]
  1. Civil Engineeringa linked series of pipes with pumps and valves for flow control, used to carry or send crude oil, water, etc., esp. over great distances.
  2. a route or channel along which supplies pass:a pipeline for food supplies.
  3. a channel of information, esp. one that is direct or only for certain people:She's got a direct pipeline to the president.
  1. Idioms,, Informal Terms in the pipeline, in the process of being provided or completed:Several projects are in the pipeline.

See -lin-.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
pipe•line  (pīplīn′),USA pronunciation n., v., -lined, -lin•ing. 
  1. Civil Engineeringa long tubular conduit or series of pipes, often underground, with pumps and valves for flow control, used to transport crude oil, natural gas, water, etc., esp. over great distances.
  2. a route, channel, or process along which something passes or is provided at a steady rate;
    means, system, or flow of supply or supplies:Freighters and cargo planes are a pipeline for overseas goods.
  3. a channel of information, esp. one that is direct, privileged, or confidential;
    inside source;
    reliable contact.
  4. Informal Terms in the pipeline:
    • [Informal.]in the process of being developed, provided, or completed;
      in the works;
      under way.
    • Government(of funds) authorized but not spent.

  1. Civil Engineeringto convey by or as if by pipeline:to pipeline oil from the far north to ice-free ports; to pipeline graduates into the top jobs.
  • pipe1 + line1 1855–60

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
pipeline /ˈpaɪpˌlaɪn/ n
  1. a long pipe, esp underground, used to transport oil, natural gas, etc, over long distances
  2. a medium of communication, esp a private one
  3. in the pipelinein the process of being completed, delivered, or produced
vb (transitive)
  1. to convey by pipeline
  2. to supply with a pipeline




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