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WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024pal /pæl/USA pronunciation n., v., palled, pal•ling. [Informal.]n. [countable] - Informal Termsa close friend;
comrade; chum:His pal would always come to his rescue. v. [no object] - Informal Termsto do something together as friends:They were always palling around.
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024pall1 /pɔl/USA pronunciation n. [countable]- something that covers over, esp. with darkness:[usually singular]A pall of smoke hung over the site of the explosion.
- a feeling of gloom, sadness, mystery, etc., that seems to spread over a group of people:[usually singular]A deep pall of gloom hung over the room when we heard the news of the election.
- a cloth for spreading over a coffin or tomb.
- a coffin.
pall2 /pɔl/USA pronunciation v. [no object]- to cause tiredness or weariness;
to become dull or uninteresting:The pleasures of that nightclub began to pall after a few months.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024pal (pal),USA pronunciation n., v., palled, pal•ling. [Informal.]n. - Informal Termsa very close, intimate friend;
comrade; chum. - an accomplice.
v.i. - Informal Termsto associate as comrades or chums:to pal around with the kid next door.
- English Romany: brother, mate, dissimilated variant of continental Romany phral Sanskrit bhrātṛ brother
- 1675–85
PAL (pal),USA pronunciation n. - a special air service offered by the U.S. Postal Service for sending parcels from 5 to 30 lb. (2.3 to 13.5 kg) to overseas servicemen: only the regular parcel post rate to the U.S. port of shipment plus $1 is charged. Cf. SAM (def. 2).
- P(arcel) A(ir) Latin(ift)
PAL, - Police Athletic League.
Also, P.A.L. Pal., - Place NamesPalestine.
pal., - paleography.
- paleontology.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024pall1 (pôl),USA pronunciation n. - a cloth, often of velvet, for spreading over a coffin, bier, or tomb.
- a coffin.
- anything that covers, shrouds, or overspreads, esp. with darkness or gloom.
- Religion[Eccles.]
- pallium (def. 2b).
- a linen cloth or a square cloth-covered piece of cardboard used to cover a chalice.
- Heraldrypairle.
- [Archaic.]a cloth spread upon an altar;
corporal. - [Archaic.]a garment, esp. a robe, cloak, or the like.
v.t. - to cover with or as with a pall.
- Latin pallium cloak
- bef. 900; Middle English; Old English pæll pope's pallium
pall′-like′, adj. - 3.See corresponding entry in Unabridged shadow, melancholy, oppression.
pall2 (pôl),USA pronunciation v.i. - to have a wearying or tiresome effect (usually fol. by on or upon).
- to become distasteful or unpleasant.
- to become satiated or cloyed with something.
v.t. - to satiate or cloy.
- to make dull, distasteful, or unpleasant.
- 1350–1400; Middle English pallen; aphetic variant of appall
- 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged glut, sate, surfeit.
Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: pal /pæl/ informal n - a close friend; comrade
vb (pals, palling, palled)- (intr; usually followed by with or about) to associate as friends
Etymology: 17th Century: from English Gypsy: brother, ultimately from Sanskrit bhrātar brother Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers:: pall /pɔːl/ n - a cloth covering, usually black, spread over a coffin or tomb
- a coffin, esp during the funeral ceremony
- a dark heavy covering; shroud: the clouds formed a pall over the sky
- a depressing or oppressive atmosphere: her bereavement cast a pall on the party
- an ordinary consisting of a Y-shaped bearing
- a small square linen cloth with which the chalice is covered at the Eucharist
vb - (transitive) to cover or depress with a pall
Etymology: Old English pæll, from Latin: pallium pall /pɔːl/ vb - (intransitive) often followed by on: to become or appear boring, insipid, or tiresome (to): history classes palled on me
- to cloy or satiate, or become cloyed or satiated
Etymology: 14th Century: variant of appal |