

单词 out of bounds

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
out of bounds adj , adv (postpositive)
  1. (often followed by to) not to be entered (by); barred (to)
  2. outside specified or prescribed limits
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
bound1 /baʊnd/USA pronunciation   v. 
  1. a pt. and pp. of bind.

  1. tied;
    in bonds:a bound prisoner.
  2. made fast as if by a band or bond.
  3. secured within a cover, as a book:a bound book.
  4. Law under an obligation:[usually: be + ~]Even the police are bound by laws.[+ to + verb]I felt bound to tell you what they say about you.
  5. certain;
    sure:[be + ~ + to + verb]He's so fast he's bound to win the race.[It + be + ~ + to + verb]It is bound to happen.
  1. Idioms bound up with or in, [be + ~ + object]
    • Idiomsvery closely connected with:Her future is too bound up with his career.
    • Idiomsdevoted or attached to:I've been bound up in this project for years.

bound2 /baʊnd/USA pronunciation   v. [no object]
  1. to move by leaps;
    jump:He bounded out the door.
  2. to rebound;
    bounce:He started to fall, but then bounded off the wall as he went down.

n. [countable]
  1. a leap onward or upward;
    jump:With a great bound, the dog flew out the window.
  2. a rebound;

bound3 /baʊnd/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. Usually, bounds.[plural] limit or boundary: within the bounds of reason.

v. [usually: be + bounded by]
  1. to limit by or as if by bounds:Spain is bounded on the east by Portugal.
  1. in bounds, within official boundaries:They ruled that the player was in bounds.
  2. Idioms out of bounds,
    • beyond or past official boundaries:threw the ball out of bounds.
    • forbidden;
      prohibited:[Drinking alcoholic beverages is out of bounds for her.]

bound4 /baʊnd/USA pronunciation   adj. [be + ~ + for]
  1. going or intending to go;
    heading for: The train is bound for Denver.

-bound1 ,combining form. 
  1. Use -bound after certain nouns to mean "stuck or surrounded by (something)'':snow + -bound → snowbound (= stuck in and surrounded by snow).

-bound2 ,combining form. 
  1. Use -bound after words of direction to indicate "going to;
    heading toward'':east + -bound → eastbound (= going to the east;heading toward the east).

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
out-of-bounds  (outəv boundz),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. Sportbeing beyond or passing the limits or boundaries of a field, course, etc., marking the area within which the ball, puck, or the like is legally in play.
  2. beyond any established boundaries or prescribed limits;
  3. further than or beyond established limits, as of behavior or thought.
  • 1855–60

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
bound1  (bound),USA pronunciation v. 
  1. pt. and pp. of bind. 

  1. tied;
    in bonds:a bound prisoner.
  2. made fast as if by a band or bond:She is bound to her family.
  3. secured within a cover, as a book.
  4. Lawunder a legal or moral obligation:He is bound by the terms of the contract.
  5. destined;
    certain:It is bound to happen.
  6. determined or resolved:He is bound to go.
  7. Pathologyconstipated.
  8. Mathematics(of a vector) having a specified initial point as well as magnitude and direction. Cf. free (def. 31).
  9. Chemistry, Physicsheld with another element, substance, or material in chemical or physical union.
  10. Linguistics(of a linguistic form) occurring only in combination with other forms, as most affixes. Cf. free (def. 34).
  11. bound up in or with:
    • inseparably connected with.
    • devoted or attached to:She is bound up in her teaching.
  • past participle and past tense of bind
boundness, n. 
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged liable, obligated, obliged, compelled.

bound2  (bound),USA pronunciation v.i. 
  1. to move by leaps;
    spring:The colt bounded through the meadow.
  2. to rebound, as a ball;
    bounce:The ball bounded against the wall.

  1. a leap onward or upward;
  2. a rebound;
  • Middle French bond a leap, bondir to leap, origin, originally resound Vulgar Latin *bombitīre for *bombitāre to buzz, whiz (Latin bomb(us) (see bomb) + -it- intensive suffix + -ā- thematic vowel + -re infinitive suffix)
  • 1545–55
bounding•ly, adv. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See skip 1.

bound3  (bound),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Usually, bounds. limit or boundary:the bounds of space and time;within the bounds of his estate;within the bounds of reason.
  2. something that limits, confines, or restrains.
  3. bounds:
    • territories on or near a boundary.
    • land within boundary lines.
  4. [Math.]a number greater than or equal to, or less than or equal to, all the numbers in a given set. Cf. greatest lower bound, least upper bound, lower bound, upper bound.
  5. out of bounds:
    • beyond the official boundaries, prescribed limits, or restricted area:The ball bounced out of bounds.
    • forbidden;
      prohibited:The park is out of bounds to students.

  1. to limit by or as if by bounds;
    keep within limits or confines.
  2. to form the boundary or limit of.
  3. to name or list the boundaries of.

  1. to abut.
  • Medieval Latin budina, of uncertain origin, originally; compare bourn2
  • Anglo-French; Old French bone, bonde, variant of bodne
  • Middle English bounde 1175–1225
bounda•ble, adj. 
    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged border, frontier, confine.

bound4  (bound),USA pronunciation adj. 
  1. going or intending to go;
    on the way to;
    destined (usually fol. by for):The train is bound for Denver.
  2. [Archaic.]prepared;
  • Old Norse būinn, past participle of būa to get ready
  • Middle English b(o)un ready 1150–1200

-bound1 ,
  1. a combining form of bound 1 : snowbound.

-bound2 ,
  1. a combining form of bound 4 : eastbound.





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