

单词 moving

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
mov•ing /ˈmuvɪŋ/USA pronunciation   adj. 
    1. [before a noun] capable of or having motion:A moving body tends to stay in motion.
  • involving a motor vehicle in motion:[before a noun]If you receive another moving violation, you'll lose your license.
  • causing or stirring strong emotions or feelings:a moving, powerful performance.
  • mov•ing•ly, adv. : She spoke movingly about the refugees.See -mov-.

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
    mov•ing  (mo̅o̅ving),USA pronunciation adj. 
    1. capable of or having movement:a moving object.
    2. causing or producing motion.
    3. involved in changing the location of possessions, a residence, office, etc.:moving expenses.
    4. involving a motor vehicle in motion.
    5. actuating, instigating, or impelling:the moving spirit behind the party.
    6. stirring or evoking strong feelings or emotions, esp. touchingly or pathetically:a moving story.
    • Middle English meving. See move, -ing2 1300–50
    moving•ly, adv. 
      • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged touching, affecting, pathetic, poignant.

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
    moving /ˈmuːvɪŋ/ adj
    1. arousing or touching the emotions
    2. changing or capable of changing position
    3. causing motion

    ˈmovingly adv
    WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
    move /muv/USA pronunciation   v., moved, mov•ing, n. 
    1. to (cause to) pass from one position to another;
      to change one's place: [no object]She fell down and didn't move.[+ object]Can you move some books off your desk?
    2. to (cause to) change the place where one lives or does business;
      relocate: [no object]She moved to Illinois.[+ object]The company moved him to Dallas.
    3. to (cause to) progress: [no object]Work on the project is moving well.[+ object]The coach really moved his team ahead.
    4. to have a regular motion, as a part of a machine:[no object]The clock doesn't move.
    5. to sell or be sold: [no object]Sales show that the new minivans are moving well.[+ object]The car dealer had to move all of last year's models.
    6. to start off or leave:[no object]I think we'd better be moving.
    7. Chessto transfer a piece in a game, as chess: [no object]Whenever she moved, she always captured one of my pieces.[+ object]He moved the piece slowly forward and said, "Checkmate.''
    8. Physiology(of the bowels) to (cause to) discharge the feces: [no object]His bowels wouldn't move unless he took a laxative.[+ object]He couldn't move his bowels without taking a laxative.
    9. to be active in a particular area:[no object]She moves in the best circles of society.
    10. to cause (someone) to do some action:[+ object + to + verb]Curiosity moved me to open the box.
    11. to affect (someone) with tender emotion or feeling;
      to arouse or touch: [+ object]I was moved by your troubles, so I decided to help you.[+ object + to + object]Her words moved me to anger.
    12. to propose (a motion, etc.) formally, as to a court or judge: [+ (that) clause]I move (that) we all get big raises.[no object]He moved for adjournment.[+ object]The proposal was moved and seconded.
    13. move along, to move from one place to another: [no object]The police urged the crowd to move along.[+ object + along]The police moved the demonstrators along.
    14. move in, [no object]
      • to begin to occupy a place, esp. by bringing in one's possessions:You can move in any time after September 1st.
      • to move toward, often in preparation for an attack:The troops quickly moved in opposite the demonstrators.
    15. move in on, [+ in + on + object] to make threatening and aggressive movements or actions toward:If the giant computer companies move in on our market, we'll be in big trouble.
    16. move off, [no object] to move away from;
      to depart:The enemy troops moved off when the fighter planes came.
    17. move on:
      • [+ on + object] to attack as a military target.
      • [no object] to begin action on something new:We've debated this for hours; it's time to move on.
      • to leave a position or place: [no object]He moved on to another job.[+ object + on]The police moved the demonstrators on.
    18. move over, [no object] to shift to a nearby place, as to make room for another:Could you please move over; I need to reach my seat.
    19. move up, to (cause to) advance to a higher level: [no object]She moved up quickly in the company.[+ object + up]His father moved him up quickly through the ranks.

    n. [countable]
    1. an act or instance of moving;
      movement:stood still and didn't make a move.
    2. a change of location or residence:to make a move to Los Angeles.
    3. an action toward an objective or goal;
      step:He made several moves to take over the company.
    4. Chess(in chess, etc.) a player's right or turn to make a play:It's your move.
    1. Idioms, Informal Terms get a move on, [no object][Informal.]to hasten to act;
      hurry up:Get a move on or we'll be late!
    2. Idioms move heaven and earth, to do everything in one's power to bring something about.
    3. Idioms on the move:
      • busy;
      • going from place to place:We were always on the move in those days because Mom was transferred so often.
      • advancing;
        progressing:young executives on the move.

    See -mov-.
    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
    move  (mo̅o̅v),USA pronunciation v., moved, mov•ing, n. 
    1. to pass from one place or position to another.
    2. to go from one place of residence to another:They moved from Tennessee to Texas.
    3. to advance or progress:The red racing car moved into the lead.
    4. to have a regular motion, as an implement or a machine;
    5. to sell or be sold:That new model is moving well.
    6. to start off or leave:It's time to be moving.
    7. Chessto transfer a piece in a game, as chess or checkers.
    8. Physiology(of the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces;
    9. to be active in a particular sphere:to move in musical society.
    10. to take action;
    11. to make a formal request, application, or proposal:to move for a new trial.

    1. to change from one place or position to another.
    2. to set or keep in motion.
    3. to prompt, actuate, or impel to some action:What moved you to do this?
    4. to arouse or excite the feelings or passions of;
      affect with emotion (usually fol. by to):to move someone to anger.
    5. to affect with tender or compassionate emotion;
      touch:The tale of tragedy moved her.
    6. Chessto transfer (a piece in a game) from one position to another.
    7. to dispose of (goods) by sale.
    8. Physiologyto cause (the bowels) to discharge or eject the feces.
    9. to propose formally, as to a court or judge, or for consideration by a deliberative assembly.
    10. to submit a formal request or proposal to (a court, a sovereign, etc.).
    11. move in, to begin to occupy a place in which to live or work.
    12. Informal Termsmove in on:
      • to approach or make advances toward usurping another's success, authority, position, or the like.
      • to take aggressive steps to control or possess:The company has not yet moved in on the consumer market.
    13. move on, to approach or attack as a military target:The army is moving on the capital itself.
    14. move out, to leave a place in order to start or continue a planned march, maneuver, journey, etc.:The troops will move out of the encampment at dawn.
    15. move over, to change or cause to change to another position, esp. to make room for another:to make space by moving over.
    16. move up, to advance to a higher level.

    1. an act or instance of moving;
    2. a change of location or residence.
    3. an action toward an objective or goal;
      step:a move toward a higher tax.
    4. Chess(in chess, checkers, etc.) a player's right or turn to make a play.
    5. a play or maneuver, as in a game or sport.
    6. Idioms, Informal Termsget a move on, [Informal.]
      • to begin;
        act:We'd better get a move on before it rains.
      • to hurry;
    7. Idioms, Informal Termsmake one's move, [Informal.]to act, esp. to assert oneself at an opportune time.
    8. Idiomson the move:
      • busy;
        active:on the move from morning till night.
      • going from place to place:Infantry units have been on the move all day.
      • advancing;
        progressing:an industry on the move.
    9. Idioms, Slang Termsput moves on, [Slang.]to make sexual advances toward. Also, make a move on. 
    • Anglo-French mover Latin movēre
    • Middle English meven, moven 1200–50
      • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stir, budge. See advance. 
      • 2.See corresponding entry in Unabridged remove.
      • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged spin, gyrate, rotate, operate.
      • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged shift, transfer; propel.
      • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged agitate.
      • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged influence, induce, incite, instigate, lead.
      • 28.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See motion. 
      • 12.See corresponding entry in Unabridged fix.

    Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
    move /muːv/ vb
    1. to go or take from one place to another; change in location or position
    2. (usually intr) to change (one's dwelling, place of business, etc)
    3. to be or cause to be in motion; stir
    4. (intransitive) (of machines, etc) to work or operate
    5. (transitive) to cause (to do something); prompt
    6. (intransitive) to begin to act: move soon or we'll lose the order
    7. (intransitive) to associate oneself with a specified social circle: to move in exalted spheres
    8. (intransitive) to make progress
    9. (transitive) to arouse affection, pity, or compassion in; touch
    10. (in board games) to change the position of (a piece) or (of a piece) to change position
    11. (intransitive) (of merchandise) to be disposed of by being bought
    12. when tr, often takes a clause as object; when intr, often followed by for: to suggest (a proposal) formally, as in debating or parliamentary procedure
    13. (intr; usually followed by on or along) to go away or to another place; leave
    14. to cause (the bowels) to evacuate or (of the bowels) to be evacuated
    1. the act of moving; movement
    2. one of a sequence of actions, usually part of a plan; manoeuvre
    3. the act of moving one's residence, place of business, etc
    4. (in board games) a player's turn to move his piece or take other permitted action
    5. a permitted manoeuvre of a piece
    6. get a move oninformal to get started
    7. to hurry up
    8. on the movetravelling from place to place
    9. advancing; succeeding
    10. very active; busy
    Etymology: 13th Century: from Anglo-French mover, from Latin movēre




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