

单词 markup

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
mark•up /ˈmɑrkˌʌp/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. an increase in the price of an item.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
mark•up  (märkup′),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Business[Com.]
    • the amount added by a seller to the cost of a commodity to cover expenses and profit in fixing the selling price.
    • the difference between the cost price and the selling price, computed as a percentage of either the selling price or the cost price.
    • an increase in price, as of a commodity.
    • the amount by which a price is increased.
  2. Governmentthe putting of a legislative bill into final form.
  3. a detailed instruction, usually written on a manuscript to be typeset, concerning style of type, makeup of pages, and the like.
  • noun, nominal use of verb, verbal phrase mark up 1915–20

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
mark1 /mɑrk/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. a visible impression on a surface, as a line or spot:had a mark on her face from the scratch.
  2. a symbol used in writing or printing:a punctuation mark.
  3. something that indicates something else;
    a token:to bow as a mark of respect.
  4. a noticeable influence;
    imprint:The experience left its mark on her.
  5. See make one's mark below.
  6. something typical or characteristic of something else;
    a trait:a mark of nobility.
  7. a device or symbol serving to identify, etc.:The peasant put his mark on the document.
  8. trademark.
    • a symbol used in rating a student's achievement;
      grade:Her mark was an A.
    • Often, marks. [plural] any evaluative rating:We gave him high marks for trying so hard.
  9. an object or sign serving to indicate position, as a point reached on a scale:I finally reached the halfway mark of the book.
  10. a standard of merit:His work was clearly not up to the mark.
  11. a target;
    goal:to miss the mark.
    • an object of cruel laughter:The short, pudgy boy was an easy mark for bullies.
    • the victim of a swindle:The banker was the mark for the con artists.
  12. Sportthe starting line in a race:"On your mark...get set...go!''

  1. to be a distinguishing feature of:[+ object]a day marked by sadness.
  2. to make or put a mark or marks (on): [+ object]She marked the wall with her greasy glove.[no object]That soft wood surface marks too easily.
  3. to give a grade to:[+ object]When will you mark the exams?
  4. to serve as a sign or signal of;
    to indicate:[+ object]That day marked the end of a career.
  5. to label with indications of quality:[+ object]to mark merchandise.
  6. to form by or as if by marks:[+ object]to mark out a plan of attack.
  7. to designate by or as if by marks:[+ object]He marked the sections that he wanted to delete.
  8. to set apart beforehand:[+ object]clearly marked for greatness.
  9. to give attention to:[+ object]Mark my words; she'll be famous one day.
  10. Business mark down:
    • to reduce the price of: [+ down + object]marked down the prices almost 30%.[+ object + down]They had marked the prices down.
    • to make a note of in writing: [+ down + object]We'd better mark down the sizes.[+ object + down]We'd better mark them down.
  11. mark off:
    • to mark the dimensions or boundaries of: [+ off + object]marked off the parade route with stripes.[+ object + off]They marked it off with yellow tape.
    • to write a line on or through some item: [+ off + object]He marked off each name on the list.[+ object + off]He marked them off one by one.
  12. mark up:
    • to mar or ruin the appearance of with marks: [+ up + object]Don't mark up the wall![+ object + up]Someone marked the painting up when they vandalized the museum.
    • to mark with notations or symbols: [+ up + object]Teachers shouldn't mark up a student's paper too much.[+ object + up]Don't mark it up with so much red ink!
    • Businessto raise the price of: [+ up + object]The store marked up its inventory.[+ object + up]The store marked prices up almost 50%.
  1. Idioms beside the mark, not on the subject at hand;
    not relevant.
  2. Idioms make one's mark, to achieve success:to make one's mark in show business.
  3. Idioms mark time:
    • Idiomsto function at a job without making progress or advancing:He was just marking time until retirement.
    • to move the feet one after the other as if marching but without moving forward.
  4. Idioms wide of the mark, far from the target or one's aim:comments wide of the mark.

mark2 /mɑrk/USA pronunciation   n. [countable]
  1. Currencythe basic monetary unit of Germany and certain other countries.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
mark1  (märk),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. a visible impression or trace on something, as a line, cut, dent, stain, or bruise:a small mark on his arm.
  2. a badge, brand, or other visible sign assumed or imposed:a mark of his noble rank.
  3. a symbol used in writing or printing:a punctuation mark.
  4. a sign, usually an X or cross, made instead of a signature by someone who does not know how or is unable to write his or her own name.
  5. an affixed or impressed device, symbol, inscription, etc., serving to give information, identify, indicate origin or ownership, attest to character or comparative merit, or the like, as a trademark.
  6. a sign, token, or indication:to bow as a mark of respect.
  7. a symbol used in rating conduct, proficiency, attainment, etc., as of pupils in a school:good marks; bad marks.
  8. something serving as an indication of position, as a landmark.
  9. a recognized or required standard of quality, accomplishment, etc.;
    norm:His dissertation was below the mark.
  10. distinction or importance;
    note:a man of mark.
  11. a distinctive trait or characteristic:the usual marks of a gentleman.
  12. Military(usually cap.) [U.S. Mil.]a designation for an item of military equipment in production, used in combination with a numeral to indicate the order of adoption, and often abbreviated:a Mark-4 tank; an M-1 rifle.
  13. an object aimed at;
    target:to aim at the mark.
  14. an object or end desired or striven for;
  15. Slang Terms
    • an object of derision, scorn, manipulation, or the like:He was an easy mark for criticism.
    • the intended victim of a swindler, hustler, or the like:The cardsharps picked their marks from among the tourists on the cruise ship.
  16. Sport[Track.]the starting line.
  17. Sport[Boxing.]the middle of the stomach.
  18. Sport[Lawn Bowling.]jack1 (def. 17).
  19. Sport[Bowling.]a strike or spare.
  20. Nauticalany of the distinctively marked points on a deep-sea lead line, occurring at levels of 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, 15, 17, and 20 fathoms above the lead. Cf. deep (def. 35).
  21. Medieval History, World Historya tract of land that may have been held in common by a primitive or early medieval community of peasants in Germany.
  22. World HistoryArchaic or Hist. a boundary;
  23. Idiomsbeside the mark, not pertinent;
  24. Idiomsbless or save the mark! (used as an exclamation of disapproval, contempt, impatience, etc.) Also, God bless or save the mark! 
  25. Idiomsmake one's mark, to attain success or fame;
    achieve one's ambition:He set out to make his mark as a writer.
  26. Sporton your mark or marks! (in calling the start of a race) take your places:On your mark! Get set! Go!Also, get ready!, ready! 
  27. Idiomswide of the mark, far from the target or objective;
    inaccurate or irrelevant:My first guess was wide of the mark.

  1. to be a distinguishing feature of:a day marked by rain.
  2. to put a mark or marks on:to mark each box with an X.
  3. to give a grade for;
    put a grade on:to mark the final exams.
  4. Animal Behaviorscent-mark (def. 2).
  5. to furnish with figures, signs, tags, etc., to indicate price, quality, brand name, or the like:We marked all the books with prices.
  6. to trace or form by or as if by marks (often fol. by out):to mark out a plan of attack.
  7. to indicate or designate by or as if by marks:to mark passages to be memorized.
  8. to single out;
    destine (often fol. by out):to be marked out for promotion.
  9. to record, as a score.
  10. to make manifest:to mark approval with a nod.
  11. to give heed or attention to:Mark my words!
  12. to notice or observe:to mark a change in the weather.

  1. to take notice;
    give attention;
  2. Animal Behaviorscent-mark (def. 1).
  3. Businessmark down, to reduce the price of:These towels have been marked down.
  4. mark off, to mark the proper dimensions or boundaries of;
    separate:We marked off the limits of our lot with stakes.
  5. Idiomsmark time. See time (def. 45).
  6. mark up:
    • to mar or deface with marks.
    • to mark with notations or symbols.
    • Businessto fix the selling price of (an article) by adding to the seller's cost an amount to cover expenses and profit:to mark up dresses 50 percent.
    • Businessto increase the selling price of.
  • bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle English; Old English mearc mark, sign, banner, dividing line, borderland; cognate with German Mark borderland, unit of weight, Old Norse mǫrk forest (origin, originally, borderland), unit of weight, Gothic marka boundary, borderland, Latin margō margin; (verb, verbal) Middle English marken, Old English mearcian; cognate with Old Frisian merkia, Old High German marchōn, Old Norse marka to plan
    • 10.See corresponding entry in Unabridged eminence, consequence.
    • 11.See corresponding entry in Unabridged feature, stamp, print.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged purpose, objective.
    • 34.See corresponding entry in Unabridged identify, label, tag.
    • 37, 38.See corresponding entry in Unabridged note.
    • 39.See corresponding entry in Unabridged eye, regard, spot.

mark2  (märk),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Currencythe monetary unit of Germany since 1871: originally a silver coin. Cf. Deutsche mark, ostmark, reichsmark. 
  2. Currencythe markka of Finland.
  3. CurrencyAlso, merk. a former silver coin of Scotland, equal to 13s. 4d.
  4. Currencya former money of account of England, equal to 13s. 4d.
  5. Currencya former coin of Estonia, the 1100th part of a kroon: replaced by the sent after 1927.
  6. Weights and Measures, Currencya former European unit of weight, esp. for gold and silver, generally equal to 8 ounces (249 grams).
  • Gmc; see mark1
  • Medieval Latin marca
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English marc unit of weight

Mark  (märk),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. Biographicalone of the four Evangelists: traditionally believed to be the author of the second Gospel.
  2. Religionthe second Gospel:to read aloud from Mark.
  3. King, [Arthurian Romance.]ruler of Cornwall, husband of Iseult and uncle of Sir Tristram.
  4. BiographicalSaint. See Marcus, Saint. 
  5. a male given name, form of Marcus. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
mark-up n
  1. a percentage or amount added to the cost of a commodity to provide the seller with a profit and to cover overheads, costs, etc
  2. an increase in the price of a commodity
  3. the amount of this increase
vb mark up (tr, adverb)
  1. to add a percentage for profit, overheads, etc, to the cost of (a commodity)
  2. to increase the price of




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