

单词 margrave

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
mar•grave  (märgrāv),USA pronunciation n. 
  1. World History(formerly) the hereditary title of the rulers of certain European states.
  2. World History[Hist.]a hereditary German title, equivalent to marquis.
  3. World History(originally) a military governor of a German mark, or border province.
  • Middle Dutch, equivalent. to marke border (cognate with march2) + grave count (cognate with reeve1); compare German Markgraf
  • earlier marcgrave 1545–55
mar•gravi•al, adj. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
margrave /ˈmɑːˌɡreɪv/ n
  1. a German nobleman ranking above a count. Margraves were originally counts appointed to govern frontier provinces, but all had become princes of the Holy Roman Empire by the 12th century
Etymology: 16th Century: from Middle Dutch markgrave, literally: count of the march²




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