

单词 manlessly

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
man1 /mæn/USA pronunciation   n., pl. men /mɛn/USA pronunciation   v., manned, man•ning, interj. 

    1. an adult male person, as distinguished from a boy or a woman:[countable]The little boy had grown up to be a handsome man.
    2. Paleontology, Physical Anthropology a human being, or a person without regard to sex:[countable]All men are created equal in the eyes of the law.
    3. Biology the human individual as representing the species, without reference to sex;
      the human race;
      humankind:[uncountable]It is written that man does not live by bread alone.
    4. [countable] a husband.
    5. [countable] a male lover or sweetheart.
    6. a male having qualities considered properly masculine:[countable]The four years in the army made a man of him.
    7. [countable] a male servant or attendant.
    8. Slang Termsmale friend;
      ally:[countable]Hey, it's my main man.
    9. Slang Terms(used as a term of familiar address):[countable]Hey, man, take it easy.
    10. Chess[countable] a playing piece used in certain games, as checkers.

    1. used to express astonishment, delight, or other strong emotion:Man, what a car!

    v. [+ object]
    1. to supply with people, as for service:to man the ship.
    2. to take one's place at, as to defend or operate:There were enough volunteers to man the phones.
    1. man to man, speaking freely or honestly: [adverb]They spoke man to man.[adjective]They had a man-to-man talk.
    2. Idioms one's own man, free from restrictions;
      independent:Now that he has a business he feels he is his own man.
    3. Idioms to a man, including everyone:The battalion was annihilated to a man.

    -man, suffix. 
    1. -man is used to form nouns with the meaning "person, or man, who is or does (something connected with the noun base)'':mail + -man → mailman (= person who delivers mail).

    -man- , root. 
      1. -man- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "hand.'' This meaning is found in such words as: amanuensis, legerdemain, maintain, manacle, manage, maneuver, manual, manufacture, manure, manuscript.

    -man- , root. 
      1. -man- comes from Latin, where it has the meaning "stay;
        to last or remain.'' This meaning is found in such words as: impermanent, permanent, remain.

    WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
    man1  (man),USA pronunciation n., pl. men, v., manned, man•ning, interj. 
      1. an adult male person, as distinguished from a boy or a woman.
      2. Paleontology, Physical Anthropologya member of the species Homo sapiens or all the members of this species collectively, without regard to sex:prehistoric man.
      3. Biologythe human individual as representing the species, without reference to sex;
        the human race;
        humankind:Man hopes for peace, but prepares for war.
      4. a human being;
        person:to give a man a chance; When the audience smelled the smoke, it was every man for himself.
      5. a husband.
      6. a male lover or sweetheart.
      7. a male follower or subordinate:the king's men. He's the boss's number one man.
      8. a male employee or representative, esp. of a company or agency:a Secret Service man; a man from the phone company.
      9. a male having qualities considered typical of men or appropriately masculine:Be a man. The army will make a man of you.
      10. a male servant.
      11. a valet.
      12. MilitarySee enlisted man. 
      13. an enthusiast or devotee:I like jazz, but I'm essentially a classics man.
      14. Slang Termsmale friend;
        ally:You're my main man.
      15. a term of familiar address to a man;
        fellow:Now, now, my good man, please calm down.
      16. Slang Termsa term of familiar address to a man or a woman:Hey, man, take it easy.
      17. Chessone of the pieces used in playing certain games, as chess or checkers.
      18. World History[Hist.]a liegeman;
      19. [Obs.]manly character or courage.
      20. Idiomsas one man, in complete agreement or accord;
        unanimously:They arose as one man to protest the verdict.
      21. Idiomsbe one's own man:
        • to be free from restrictions, control, or dictatorial influence;
          be independent:Now that he has a business he is his own man.
        • to be in complete command of one's faculties:After a refreshing nap he was again his own man.
      22. Idiomsman and boy, ever since childhood:He's been working that farm, man and boy, for more than 50 years.
      23. Idioms, Slang Terms man's man, a man who exemplifies masculine qualities.
      24. Slang Termsthe man:
        • a person or group asserting authority or power over another, esp. in a manner experienced as being oppressive, demeaning, or threatening, as an employer, the police, or a dominating racial group.
        • a person or group upon whom one is dependent, as the drug supplier for an addict. Also, the Man. 
      25. Idiomsto a man, with no exception;
        all:To a man, the members of the team did their best.

      1. to furnish with men, as for service or defense.
      2. to take one's place for service, as at a gun or post:to man the ramparts.
      3. to strengthen, fortify, or brace;
        steel:to man oneself for the dangers ahead.
      4. Sport[Falconry.]to accustom (a hawk) to the presence of men.

      1. Slang Termsan expression of surprise, enthusiasm, dismay, or other strong feeling:Man, what a ball game!
      • bef. 900; (noun, nominal) Middle English; Old English man(n); cognate with German Mann, Dutch man, Old Norse mathr, Gothic manna; (verb, verbal) Middle English mannen, Old English mannian to garrison
      manless, adj. 
      manless•ly, adv. 
      manless•ness, n. 
      manness, n. 
        Man, male, gentleman are nouns referring to adult human beings who are biologically male; that is, physiologically equipped to initiate conception but not to bear children. Man is the most general and most commonly used of the three; it can be neutral, lacking either favorable or unfavorable implication:a wealthy man; a man of strong character, of unbridled appetites.It can also signify possession of the most typical or desirable masculine qualities:to take one's punishment like a man.Male emphasizes the physical or sexual characteristics of a man; it may also refer to an animal or plant:a male in his prime; two males and three females in the pack; a male of the genusIlex. In scientific and statistical use, male is the neutral contrastive term to female:104 females to every 100 males; Among birds, the male is often more colorful than the female.Gentleman, once used only of men of high social rank, now also specifies a man of courtesy and consideration:a real gentleman; to behave like a gentleman.Gentleman is also used as a polite term of reference (This gentleman is waiting for a table) or, only in the plural, of address (Are we ready to begin, gentlemen?). See also manly, male. 
        The use of man1 to mean "human being,'' both alone and in compounds such as mankind, has met with objection in recent years, and the use is declining. The objection is based on the idea that man is most commonly used as an exclusive, sex-marked noun meaning "male human being.'' Critics of the use of man as a generic maintain that it is sometimes ambiguous when the wider sense is intended (Man has built magnificent civilizations in the desert), but more often flatly discriminatory in that it slights or ignores the membership of women in the human race:The man in the street wants peace, not war.Although some editors and writers reject or disregard these objections to man as a generic, many now choose instead to use such terms as human being(s), human race, humankind, people, or, when called for by style or context, women and men or men and women. See also -man, -person, -woman. 

    man2  (män, man; unstressed mən),USA pronunciation auxiliary v. Scot.
    1. Scottish Termsmaun.

    Man  (man),USA pronunciation n. 
    1. Place Names Isle of, an island of the British Isles, in the Irish Sea. 58,773;
      227 sq. mi. (588 sq. km). Cap.: Douglas.

    1. a combining form of man: layman;
      The use of -man as the last element in compounds referring to a person of either sex who performs some function (anchorman; chairman; spokesman) has declined a great deal in recent years. Only if the reference is to a specific male person are such compounds still widely used:Roy Johnston, Channel 83 news anchorman.Sometimes the sex-neutral -person is substituted for -man when the sex of the individual involved is unknown or irrelevant:anchorperson; chairperson; spokesperson.Often when a specific woman is involved, the suffix -woman is used:Doris Powell, Channel 83 news anchorwoman.And sometimes, when possible, a form with no suffix at all is used:Roy Johnston, Channel 83 news anchor.All terms historically ending in -man that designate specific occupations (foreman; mailman; policeman; repairman;
      etc.) were dropped in favor of sex-neutral terms in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT), published by the U.S. Dept. of Labor in 1977. DOT terms for the occupations listed above are supervisor, mail or letter carrier, police officer (or just officer), repairer (as in radio repairer). Many industries and business firms have adopted similar sex-neutral occupational titles.One -man compound, freshman, is still the term generally used in high schools and colleges and in Congress, and it is applied to both sexes. As a modifier, the singular form freshman is used with both singular and plural nouns:a freshman athlete; freshman legislators.See also chairperson, man, -person, -woman. 

      1. Place NamesManila.
      2. Place NamesManitoba.

    1. manual.





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