

单词 maneuver

WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ma•neu•ver /məˈnuvɚ/USA pronunciation   n. 
  1. a planned movement of troops, warships, etc.
  2. Military maneuvers, [plural] a series of military exercises used as practice for war:The troops are out on maneuvers.
  3. a clever or skillful movement, action, or trick;
    a crafty tactic;
    a ploy:another maneuver to gain control of the company.

  1. Militaryto move or change the position of by a maneuver: [+ object]She maneuvered the truck around the fallen tree.[no object]He maneuvered out of the way of the fallen tree.
  2. to scheme;
    make a plot;
    intrigue:[no object]He maneuvered for the job for a year.
Also,[esp. Brit.,] manoeuvre. See -man-1.
WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ma•neu•ver  (mə no̅o̅vər),USA pronunciation n., v., -vered, -ver•ing. 
  1. a planned and regulated movement or evolution of troops, warships, etc.
  2. Militarymaneuvers, a series of tactical exercises usually carried out in the field by large bodies of troops in simulating the conditions of war.
  3. an act or instance of changing the direction of a moving ship, vehicle, etc., as required.
  4. an adroit move, skillful proceeding, etc., esp. as characterized by craftiness;
    ploy:political maneuvers.

  1. Militaryto change the position of (troops, ships, etc.) by a maneuver.
  2. to bring, put, drive, or make by maneuvers:He maneuvered his way into the confidence of the enemy.
  3. to manipulate or manage with skill or adroitness:to maneuver a conversation.
  4. to steer in various directions as required.

  1. to perform a maneuver or maneuvers.
  2. to scheme;
Also,[esp. Brit.,] manoeuvre. 
  • Middle French, as above
  • Latin manū operāre to do handwork, equivalent. to manū (ablative of manus hand) + operāre to work (see operate); replacing earlier maanorre manual labor
  • French manoeuvre, Middle French manuevre handwork, derivative of Old French manuvrer
  • 1470–80 for an earlier sense; 1750–60 for current noun, nominal sense;
ma•neuver•a•ble, adj. 
ma•neu′ver•a•bili•ty, n. 
ma•neuver•er, n. 
    • 4.See corresponding entry in Unabridged stratagem, tactic, ruse, artifice; procedure, scheme, plot, plan.
    • 6.See corresponding entry in Unabridged scheme, contrive, intrigue.
    • 7.See corresponding entry in Unabridged handle, finesse.
    • 10.See corresponding entry in Unabridged plot, plan.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
maneuver /məˈnuːvə/ n , vb
  1. the usual US spelling of manoeuvre
WordReference Random House Learner's Dictionary of American English © 2024
ma•noeu•vre /məˈnuvɚ/USA pronunciation   n., v., -vred, -vring. 
  1. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]maneuver.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2024
ma•noeu•vre  (mə no̅o̅vər),USA pronunciation n., v.t., v.i., -vred, -vring. 
  1. British Terms[Chiefly Brit.]maneuver.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::
manoeuvre, US maneuver /məˈnuːvə/ n
  1. a contrived, complicated, and possibly deceptive plan or action
  2. a movement or action requiring dexterity and skill
  3. a tactic or movement of one or a number of military or naval units
  4. (plural) tactical exercises, usually on a large scale
  5. a planned movement of an aircraft in flight
  6. any change from the straight steady course of a ship
  1. (transitive) to contrive or accomplish with skill or cunning
  2. (intransitive) to manipulate situations, etc, in order to gain some end
  3. (intransitive) to perform a manoeuvre or manoeuvres
  4. to move or deploy or be moved or deployed, as military units, etc
Etymology: 15th Century: from French, from Medieval Latin manuopera manual work, from Latin manū operāre to work with the hand

maˈnoeuvrable, US maˈneuverable adj maˌnoeuvraˈbility, US maˌneuveraˈbility n maˈnoeuvrer, US maˈneuverer n maˈnoeuvring, US maˈneuvering n




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