

单词 patch
nnoun.attributea small contrasting part of something
Synset:dapple fleck maculation speckle spot
  • a bald spot
  • a leopard's spots
  • a patch of clouds
  • patches of thin ice
  • a fleck of red
Derivationally Related Form:dapplepatchyspotpatchspecklefleck
Inherited Hypernyms:spotmarkingdesigndecorationartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:faculafretmaculamaculemock sunnebulaparhelionpinpointplaquesolar faculaspecksplashsundogsunspotworn spot
Full Hyponyms:
amyloid plaquearterial plaquedental plaquefaculafreckleliver spotmaculenebulaparhelionplague spotplaquespecksplashsunspotworn spot
nnoun.locationa small area of ground covered by specific vegetation
Synset:plot plot of ground plot of land
  • a bean plot
  • a cabbage patch
  • a briar patch
Hypernyms:parcel parcel of land piece of ground piece of land tract
Inherited Hypernyms:plottractgeographical arearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:bedgarden
Full Hyponyms:
apple orchardasparagus bedbedflower gardenflowerbedformal gardengardengroveherb gardenhop gardenhotbedkitchen gardenlandscapinglemon grovemarket gardenorange groveparterrepeach orchardpot farmrock gardenroof gardenrose bedrose gardenseedbedsunken gardentea gardentopiarytulip bedturnip bedvictory garden
nnoun.artifacta piece of cloth used as decoration or to mend or cover a hole
Derivationally Related Form:patch
Hypernyms:piece of cloth piece of material
Inherited Hypernyms:patchpiece of clothfabricartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:patchpiece of clothpiecepartobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:flashpastyshoulder patch
Full Hyponyms:
flashpastyshoulder patch
nnoun.timea period of indeterminate length (usually short) marked by some action or condition
Synset:piece spell while
  • he was here for a little while
  • I need to rest for a piece
  • a spell of good weather
  • a patch of bad weather
Inherited Hypernyms:whiletimetime periodfundamental quantitymeasureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:cold snapcold spellhot spellsnap
Full Hyponyms:
cold spellhot spellsnap
nnoun.communicationa short set of commands to correct a bug in a computer program
Hypernyms:computer program computer programme program programme
Inherited Hypernyms:patchprogramsoftwarecodecoding systemwritingwritten communicationcommunicationabstractionentity
nnoun.artifacta connection intended to be used for a limited time
Synset:temporary hookup
Hypernyms:connecter connection connective connector connexion contrivance lash-up
Inherited Hypernyms:temporary hookupconnectioninstrumentalityartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:temporary hookuplash-uparrangementgroupabstractionentity
nnoun.artifactsewing that repairs a worn or torn hole (especially in a garment)
Synset:darn mend
  • her stockings had several mends
Derivationally Related Form:patch
Hypernyms:sewing stitchery
Inherited Hypernyms:mendsewingneedleworkcreationartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta protective cloth covering for an injured eye
Hypernyms:cloth covering
Inherited Hypernyms:eyepatchcloth coveringcoveringartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.artifacta piece of soft material that covers and protects an injured part of the body
Derivationally Related Form:bandage
Hypernyms:dressing medical dressing
Inherited Hypernyms:bandagedressingcloth coveringcoveringartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:adhesive bandagecapeline bandagecastcompression bandageelastic bandagefour-tailed bandageimmovable bandageoblique bandageplaster bandageplaster castroller bandagescarf bandageslingsuspensorysuspensory bandageswathetourniquettriangular bandagetrusswrapping
Part Meronyms:gauze gauze bandage
Full Hyponyms:
adhesive bandageband aidcapeline bandagecastcompression bandageelastic bandageelastoplastfour-tailed bandageimmovable bandageoblique bandageroller bandageslingspiral bandagesuspensoryswathetruss
vverb.contactto join or unite the pieces of
  • patch the skirt
Derivationally Related Form:patchingpatchpiece
Hypernyms:conjoin join
Inherited Hypernyms:patchjoinconnect
Direct Hyponyms:vampvamp up
Full Troponyms:vamp
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something with something | They --- the cape (apply to: patch, piece)
vverb.possessionprovide with a patch; also used metaphorically
  • The field was patched with snow
Derivationally Related Form:patchingpatch
Hypernyms:furnish provide render supply
Inherited Hypernyms:patchsupplygivetransfer
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something
vverb.changemend by putting a patch on
Synset:patch up
  • patch a hole
Derivationally Related Form:patchingpatch
Hypernyms:bushel doctor fix furbish up mend repair restore touch on
Inherited Hypernyms:patchrepairbetterchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s something with something | They --- the cape (apply to: patch up, patch)
vverb.changerepair by adding pieces
  • She pieced the china cup
Derivationally Related Form:piece
Hypernyms:bushel doctor fix furbish up mend repair restore touch on
Inherited Hypernyms:piecerepairbetterchange
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something




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