

单词 painter
nnoun.personan artist who paints
Derivationally Related Form:painterlypaint
Hypernyms:artist creative person
Inherited Hypernyms:painterartistcreatorpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:painterartistcreatorpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:FauvePost-impressionistPostimpressionistabstract artistabstractionistcoloristcubistdauberdistortionistfauvistgenre painterimpressionistlandscapistlimnerminiaturistmuralistoil painterold masterpointillistportrait painterportraitistportrayerrealistscene painterscenic artistwatercoloristwatercolourist
Instance Hyponyms:Alberti Leon Battista Alberti Bell Vanessa Bell Vanessa Stephen Benton Thomas Hart Benton Blake William Blake Braque Georges Braque Cezanne Paul Cezanne Chagall Marc Chagall Chirico Giorgio de Chirico Constable John Constable Copley John Copley John Singleton Copley Corot Jean Baptiste Camille Corot Courbet Gustave Courbet Dali Salvador Dali Daumier Honore Daumier David Jacques Louis David Davis Stuart Davis Willem de Kooning de Kooning Degas Edgar Degas Hilaire Germain Edgar Degas Delacroix Eugene Delacroix Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delacroix Andre Derain Derain Dufy Raoul Dufy Ernst Max Ernst Fragonard Jean Honore Fragonard Fry Roger Eliot Fry Roger Fry Gainsborough Thomas Gainsborough Gauguin Paul Gauguin Alberto Giacometti Giacometti Francisco Goya Francisco Jose de Goya Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes Francisco de Goya Goya Goya y Lucientes Duncan Grant Duncan James Corrow Grant Grant Gris Jaun Gris Childe Hassam Frederick Childe Hassam Hassam Hokusai Katsushika Hokusai Homer Winslow Homer Ingres Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres Kandinski Kandinsky Wassily Kandinski Wassily Kandinsky Kent Rockwell Kent Ernst Ludwig Kirchner Kirchner Klee Paul Klee Gustav Klimt Klimt Franz Joseph Kline Franz Kline Kline Krasner Lee Krasner Lawrence Sir Thomas Lawrence Fernand Leger Leger Lichtenstein Roy Lichtenstein L. S. Lowry Laurence Stephen Lowry Lowry Magritte Rene Magritte Kazimir Malevich Kazimir Severinovich Malevich Malevich Edouard Manet Manet Andrea Mantegna Mantegna Marsh Reginald Marsh Henri Emile Benoit Matisse Henri Matisse Matisse Jean Francois Millet Millet Joan Miro Miro Amedeo Modigliano Modigliani Claude Monet Monet Morse Samuel F. B. Morse Samuel Finley Breese Morse Samuel Morse Anna Mary Robertson Moses Grandma Moses Moses Motherwell Robert Motherwell Edvard Munch Munch Bartolome Esteban Murillo Murillo Georgia Okeeffe O'Keeffe Maxfield Frederick Parrish Maxfield Parrish Parrish Pablo Picasso Picasso Jackson Pollock Pollock Reynolds Sir Joshua Reynolds Mark Rothko Rothko Henri Rousseau Le Douanier Rousseau Rousseau John Singer Sargent Sargent Georges Pierre Seurat Georges Seurat Seurat Ben Shahn Benjamin Shahn Shahn David Alfaro Siqueiros David Siqueiros Siqueiros Chaim Soutine Soutine Frank Philip Stella Frank Stella Stella Gilbert Charles Stuart Gilbert Stuart Stuart Sully Thomas Sully Tanguy Yves Tanguy Giovanni Battista Tiepolo Tiepolo Mark Tobey Tobey Henri Toulouse-Lautrec Toulouse-Lautrec John Trumbull Trumbull Joseph Mallord William Turner Turner Maurice Utrillo Utrillo Gogh Vincent van Gogh van Gogh Vasarely Viktor Vasarely Giorgio Vasari Vasari Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun Marie Louise Elisabeth Vigee-Lebrun Vigee-Lebrun Maurice de Vlaminck Vlaminck Edouard Vuillard Jean Edouard Vuillard Vuillard Andy Warhol Warhol Max Weber Weber Benjamin West West James Abbott McNeill Whistler Whistler Grant Wood Wood Andrew Wyeth Wyeth
Full Hyponyms:
abstractionistcoloristcubistdauberdistortionistfauvegenre painterimpressionistlandscapistminiaturistmuralistoil painterold masterpointillistportraitistpostimpressionistrealistscenic artistsuprematistwatercolorist
nnoun.persona worker who is employed to cover objects with paint
Derivationally Related Form:paint
Hypernyms:skilled worker skilled workman trained worker
Inherited Hypernyms:painterskilled workerworkerpersoncausal agentphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:painterskilled workerworkerpersonorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:finisherhouse painterlettererscene paintersign painterstippler
Full Hyponyms:
finisherhouse painterlettererscene paintersign painterstipplervarnisher
nnoun.artifacta line that is attached to the bow of a boat and used for tying up (as when docking or towing)
Inherited Hypernyms:painterlineartifactwholeobjectphysical entityentity
nnoun.animallarge American feline resembling a lion
Synset:Felis concolor catamount cougar mountain lion panther puma
Member Holonyms:Felis genus Felis
Inherited Hypernyms:cougarwildcatcatfelinecarnivoreplacentalmammalvertebratechordateanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity




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更新时间:2025/3/25 9:24:48