Synset:bird of Minerva bird of night hooter
Derivationally Related Form:owlethoot
Member Holonyms:Strigiformes order Strigiformes
Hypernyms:bird of prey raptor raptorial bird
Inherited Hypernyms:owlbird of preybirdvertebratechordateanimalorganismliving thingwholeobjectphysical entityentity
Direct Hyponyms:Asio otusAthene noctuaOtus asioSceloglaux albifaciesStrix alucoStrix nebulosaStrix occidentalisStrix variaSurnia ululaTyto albabarn owlbarred owlgreat gray owlgreat grey owlhawk owlhoot owlhorned owllaughing jackasslaughing owllittle owllong-eared owlowletscops owlscreech owlspotted owltawny owl
Full Hyponyms:
barn owlbarred owlgreat grey owlgreat horned owlhawk owlhoot owlhorned owllaughing owllittle owllong-eared owlold world scops owloriental scops owlowletscops owlscreech owlspotted owltawny owl