

单词 attempted
vverb.socialmake an effort or attempt
Synset:assay attempt essay seek try
  • He tried to shake off his fears
  • The infant had essayed a few wobbly steps
  • The police attempted to stop the thief
  • He sought to improve himself
  • She always seeks to do good in the world
Derivationally Related Form:attempttryessayattemptertrieressayer
Hypernyms:act move
Inherited Hypernyms:tryact
Direct Hyponyms:adventurechanceendeavorendeavourfightgamblegive it a trygive it a whirlgropehave a gohazardlay on the linepick up the gauntletput on the lineriskrun a riskstrivestruggletake a chancetake a daretake chances
Full Troponyms:bell the catbuckendeavorextend oneselffightfloundergamblegive it a whirlgo for brokegropehave a gokill oneselfluck itriskstrivestruggletake a daretake painstrouble oneselftugventure
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE | Somebody ---s (apply to: try) | They --- to move (apply to: try, essay, seek, attempt, assay)
vverb.creationenter upon an activity or enterprise
Synset:attempt set about undertake
Derivationally Related Form:undertaking
Hypernyms:initiate pioneer
Inherited Hypernyms:undertakeinitiatecausemake
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s VERB-ing
adj satadj.alltried unsuccessfully
  • attempted murder
Inherited Hypernyms:attempted
Similar to:unsuccessful




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