vverb.socialhinder or prevent the progress or accomplishment ofSynset:block blockade embarrass hinder obstruct stymie stymy
Examples:- His brother blocked him at every turn
Derivationally Related Form:stymieobstructorblockagehindranceobstructionobstructer
Hypernyms:forbid foreclose forestall preclude prevent
Inherited Hypernyms:obstructprevent
Direct Hyponyms:bottleneckcheckfilibusterhangstonewall
Full Troponyms:bottleneckcheckfilibusterhangstonewall
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.contactblock passage throughSynset:block close up impede jam obstruct obturate occlude
Derivationally Related Form:obstructorocclusionblockingocclusiveimpedimentobstructiveobstructionobstructerobturator
Hypernyms:hinder impede
Inherited Hypernyms:obstructimpedeprevent
Direct Hyponyms:asphyxiateback upbarbarricadebarricadoblockblock offblock outblock upblockadechokechoke offclogclog upcongestdamdam upearth upfoulland upscreenstiflestopsuffocatetie up
Full Troponyms:barricadeblockadeclogclosecrap updamgum upland upscreenshadeshut offsilt upstuffsuffocatetie up
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something
vverb.perceptionshut out from view or get in the way so as to hide from sightSynset:block obstruct
Examples:- The thick curtain blocked the action on the stage
- The trees obstruct my view of the mountains
Derivationally Related Form:blockage
Hypernyms:conceal hide
Inherited Hypernyms:obstructhide
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something
adjadj.allshut off to passage or view or hindered from actionExamples:- a partially obstructed passageway
- an obstructed view
- justice obstructed is not justice
Inherited Hypernyms:obstructed
Similar to:barred barricaded blockaded blocked plugged choked clogged deadlocked stalemated impeded occluded stopped stopped-up stopped up stuffy thrombosed
See also:closed