

单词 needs
nnoun.statea condition requiring relief
Synset:demand need
  • she satisfied his need for affection
  • God has no need of men to accomplish His work
  • there is a demand for jobs
Derivationally Related Form:demandneed
Hypernyms:condition status
Inherited Hypernyms:needconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:deficiencylacknecessitywant
Full Hyponyms:
absenceawaynesscriticalitydearthdeficithurryimperativenesslackmineral deficiencynecessitynonoccurrencerequisitenessshortnesssideropeniastringencyurgency
nnoun.objectanything that is necessary but lacking
Synset:need want
  • he had sufficient means to meet his simple needs
  • I tried to supply his wants
Derivationally Related Form:wantneed
Hypernyms:essential necessary necessity requirement requisite
Inherited Hypernyms:neednecessitythingphysical entityentity
nnoun.Topsthe psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
Synset:motivation motive need
  • we did not understand his motivation
  • he acted with the best of motives
Derivationally Related Form:motivemotivatemotivational
Hypernyms:psychological feature
Inherited Hypernyms:motivationpsychological featureabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:ethical motiveethicsimpulseirrational motivelifemental energymoralitymoralspsychic energyrational motiveurge
Full Hyponyms:
abienceacathexisadienceagromaniacathexiscompulsionconsciencedeath instinctdipsomaniadisincentiveegomaniaethical motivehedonismincentiveincitementinner lightirrational impulseirrational motivekleptomanialibidinal energylifelogorrheamaniamonomaniamoral forcenecrophiliaoccasiononomatomaniaphaneromaniapsychic energypyromaniarational motivereasonscoresense of shamesignalsuperegotrichotillomaniaurgewanderlustwee small voicewhy
nnoun.statea state of extreme poverty or destitution
Synset:indigence need pauperism pauperization penury
  • their indigence appalled him
  • a general state of need exists among the homeless
Derivationally Related Form:needypenuriouspauperizeindigent
Hypernyms:impoverishment poorness poverty
Inherited Hypernyms:indigencepovertyfinancial conditionconditionstateattributeabstractionentity
Direct Hyponyms:beggarymendicancymendicity
Full Hyponyms:
vverb.stativerequire as useful, just, or proper
Synset:ask call for demand involve necessitate need postulate require take
  • It takes nerve to do what she did
  • success usually requires hard work
  • This job asks a lot of patience and skill
  • This position demands a lot of personal sacrifice
  • This dinner calls for a spectacular dessert
  • This intervention does not postulate a patient's consent
Derivationally Related Form:requirementnecessitydemandneed
Inherited Hypernyms:necessitate
Direct Hyponyms:claimcompelcostcry forcry out fordrawexactgoverntake
Full Troponyms:claimcompelcostcry out fordrawgovern
Sentence Frame:Something ---s something | It ---s that CLAUSE (apply to: necessitate, require) | Somebody ---s somebody to INFINITIVE (apply to: require) | They --- him to write the letter (apply to: need)
vverb.consumptionhave need of
Synset:need require want
  • This piano wants the attention of a competent tuner
Derivationally Related Form:wantwanterrequirementneed
Inherited Hypernyms:wantbe
Direct Hyponyms:cry
Full Troponyms:cry
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Something ---s something | They --- him to write the letter (apply to: want, need, require) | They --- more bread (apply to: want, need, require) | They --- to move (apply to: want, need)
vverb.consumptionhave or feel a need for
  • always needing friends and money
Inherited Hypernyms:need
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody
advadv.allin such a manner as could not be otherwise
Synset:inevitably necessarily of necessity
  • it is necessarily so
  • we must needs by objective
Inherited Hypernyms:inevitably




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