Hypernyms:capital city metropolis urban center
Inherited Hypernyms:national capitalcapitalseatcenterarearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:national capitalcitymunicipalityadministrative districtdistrictregionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Inherited Hypernyms:national capitalcitymunicipalityurban areageographical arearegionlocationobjectphysical entityentity
Instance Hyponyms:Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates's capital Abuja Nigerian capital capital of Nigeria Accra capital of Ghana Addis Ababa New Flower capital of Ethiopia Algerian capital Algiers Amman capital of Jordan Amsterdam Dutch capital capital of The Netherlands Angora Ankara Turkish capital capital of Turkey Antananarivo capital of Madagascar Apia capital of Western Samoa Ashkhabad capital of Turkmenistan Asmara Asmera Akmola Astana capital of Kazakhstan Asuncion capital of Paraguay Athens Athinai Greek capital capital of Greece Bagdad Baghdad capital of Iraq Baku capital of Azerbaijan Bamako Bangkok Krung Thep capital of Thailand Bangui capital of Central Africa Banjul capital of Gambia Basseterre Bayrut Beirut capital of Lebanon Beijing Peiping Peking capital of Red China Belfast capital of Northern Ireland Belgrade Beograd capital of Serbia and Montenegro Berlin German capital Bern Berne capital of Switzerland Bishkek Biskek Frunze capital of Kyrgyzstan Bissau capital of Guinea-Bissau Bogota capital of Colombia Brasilia Brazilian capital capital of Brazil Bratislava Pozsony Pressburg capital of Slovakia Brazzaville Bridgetown capital of Barbados Belgian capital Brussels Bruxelles capital of Belgium Bucharest Bucharesti Bucuresti capital of Romania Budapest Hungarian capital capital of Hungary Buenos Aires capital of Argentina Bujumbura Usumbura capital of Burundi Al Qahira Cairo Egyptian capital El Qahira capital of Egypt Australian capital Canberra capital of Australia Caracas capital of Venezuela Cardiff Castries Colombo capital of Sri Lanka Conakry Konakri capital of Guinea Copenhagen Danish capital Kobenhavn Dakar capital of Senegal Dar es Salaam capital of Tanzania Dacca Dhaka capital of Bangladesh Damascus Dimash capital of Syria Djibouti capital of Djibouti Bida Doha El Beda capital of Qatar Dublin Irish capital capital of Ireland Dusanbe Dushanbe Dyushambe Stalinabad capital of Tajikistan Edinburgh Freetown capital of Sierra Leone Funafuti Gaborone capital of Botswana George Town Georgetown Stabroek Gran Santiago Santiago Santiago de Chile capital of Chile Guatemala City capital of Guatemala Hanoi capital of Vietnam Harare Salisbury capital of Zimbabwe Cuban capital Havana capital of Cuba Finnish capital Helsingfors Helsinki capital of Finland Honiara Islamabad capital of Pakistan Djakarta Jakarta capital of Indonesia Jerusalem capital of Israel Kabul capital of Afghanistan Kampala capital of Uganda Kathmandu Katmandu capital of Nepal Khartoum capital of Sudan Kigali capital of Rwanda Jamaican capital Kingston capital of Jamaica Kingstown Kinshasa Leopoldville Chisinau Kishinev capital of Moldova Kolonia Koweit Kuwait Kuwait City capital of Kuwait Kiev Kyyiv capital of the Ukraine La Paz capital of Bolivia Forbidden City Lassa Lhasa capital of Tibet Libreville capital of Gabon Lilongwe capital of Malawi Lima capital of Peru Lisboa Lisbon capital of Portugal Ljubljana Lome capital of Togo British capital Greater London London capital of the United Kingdom Angolan capital Luanda Lusaka capital of Zambia Luxembourg Luxembourg-Ville Luxembourg City Luxemburg capital of Luxembourg Madrid Spanish capital capital of Spain Malabo Male Managua Nicaraguan capital capital of Nicaragua Manama capital of Bahrain Manila capital of the Philippines Maputo capital of Mozambique Maseru capital of Lesotho Mbabane capital of Swaziland Ciudad de Mexico Mexican capital Mexico City capital of Mexico Minsk capital of Belarus Mogadiscio Mogadishu capital of Somalia Monaco-Ville Liberian capital Monrovia capital of Liberia Montevideo capital of Uruguay Moscow Russian capital capital of the Russian Federation Masqat Muscat capital of Oman Fort-Lamy N'Djamena Ndjamena capital of Chad Nairobi capital of Kenya Nassau capital of the Bahamas Niamey capital of Niger Nicosia capital of Cyprus Nouakchott Christiania Oslo capital of Norway Canadian capital Ottawa capital of Canada Panama City Panamanian capital capital of Panama Paramaribo capital of Suriname City of Light French capital Paris capital of France Cambodian capital Phnom Penh Pnom Penh Haitian capital Port-au-Prince Port Louis Port Moresby capital of Papua New Guinea Port-of-Spain Port of Spain capital of Trinidad and Tobago Port Vila Vila capital of Vanuatu Porto Novo capital of Benin Czech capital Prag Prague Praha Cidade de Praia Praia capital of Cape Verde Pretoria capital of South Africa Putrajaya capital of Malaysia Pyongyang capital of North Korea Quito capital of Ecuador Rabat capital of Morocco Reykjavik capital of Iceland Riga capital of Latvia Riyadh capital of Saudi Arabia Eternal City Italian capital Roma Rome capital of Italy Roseau San Jose capital of Costa Rica San Marino capital of San Marino Salvadoran capital San Salvador Sana Sana'a Sanaa Ciudad Trujillo Santo Domingo capital of the Dominican Republic Sao Tome Seoul capital of South Korea Singapore capital of Singapore Skopje Skoplje Uskub Bulgarian capital Serdica Sofia St. George's capital of Grenada Saint John's St. John's capital of Antigua and Barbuda Stockholm capital of Sweden Suva Taipeh Taipei capital of Taiwan Tallin Tallinn capital of Estonia Bairiki Tarawa Tashkent Taskent capital of Uzbek Tbilisi Tiflis capital of Georgia Honduran capital Tegucigalpa Iranian capital Teheran Tehran capital of Iran Albanian capital Tirana Edo Japanese capital Tokio Tokyo Yeddo Yedo capital of Japan Tarabulus Al-Gharb Tripoli capital of Libya Tunis capital of Tunisia Kulun Ulaanbaatar Ulan Bator Urga capital of Mongolia Vaduz capital of Liechtenstein Valetta Valletta capital of Malta Victoria capital of Seychelles Austrian capital Vienna capital of Austria Laotian capital Vientiane capital of Laos Vilna Vilnius Vilno Wilno capital of Lithuania Warsaw Warszawa capital of Poland American capital Washington Washington D.C. capital of the United States Wellington capital of New Zealand Windhoek Yamoussukro Rangoon Yangon Yaounde capital of Cameroon Erivan Jerevan Yerevan capital of Armenia Zagreb