

单词 assisted
vverb.socialgive help or assistance; be of service
Synset:aid assist help
  • Everyone helped out during the earthquake
  • Can you help me carry this table?
  • She never helps around the house
Derivationally Related Form:aidhelperhelpassistassistantassistiveassistance
Hypernyms:back up support
Inherited Hypernyms:helpsupport
Direct Hyponyms:alleviateassistattendattend toavailbenefactbootstrapcareeaseexpeditefacilitategive carehastenhelp outservesubservesuccorsuccourwait on
Full Troponyms:attendavailbenefactbootstrapcaredry-nurseexpeditefacilitatefaggardenhelp outlandscapeministermothernurseserveshepherdsubservesuccortendvalet
Sentence Frame:Something ---s | Somebody ---s | Somebody ---s something | Somebody ---s somebody | Something ---s somebody | Somebody ---s to INFINITIVE (apply to: help) | They --- him to write the letter (apply to: help) | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: aid, assist)
vverb.socialact as an assistant in a subordinate or supportive function
Derivationally Related Form:assistant
Inherited Hypernyms:assistwork
Direct Hyponyms:abetprotect
Full Troponyms:abetprotect
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s
vverb.socialwork for or be a servant to
Synset:assist attend attend to serve wait on
  • May I serve you?
  • She attends the old lady in the wheelchair
  • Can you wait on our table, please?
  • Is a salesperson assisting you?
  • The minister served the King for many years
Derivationally Related Form:servantservitorattenderattendantassist
Hypernyms:aid assist help
Inherited Hypernyms:servehelpsupport
Direct Hyponyms:fagvalet
Full Troponyms:fagvalet
Sentence Frame:Somebody ---s somebody | Somebody ---s somebody with something | Sam cannot --- Sue (apply to: wait on, serve, assist, attend to)
adjadj.allhaving help; often used as a combining form
Inherited Hypernyms:assisted
Similar to:motor-assisted power-assisted




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更新时间:2024/9/21 12:25:46